annl321 Member


  • I love all veggies but my favorite right now is roasted Brussel Sprouts. I buy a bag nearly every week at Costco and roast the whole bag with about a tablespoon of EVOO and some sea salt. I eat them all week and love them cold right out of the fridge.
  • I love kale salad with poppy seed dressing, some manderin oranges and crazins. I also like it in soup. I have a funny story about kale chips. I was taking a train to my daughter's house 8 hours away. Needed to pack lunch and dinner. I had some kale I needed to use so I decided to make kale chips. I put them in a ziplock…
  • Try the MFP blog. They put yummy looking recipes on there every couple of days. I also like the blog she has so many healthy and low cal recipes that you could spend weeks in there just browsing. Another good place is Pinterest. Type low calorie in their search engine. Happy hunting.
  • I really can't imagine that cold oatmeal would be good but since everyone on the internet is raving about it being so wonderful I plan to give it a chance. I do love my hot oatmeal. Of course kale chips were the rage not long ago and I was not impressed with them. LOL