kayygregg Member


  • alright thank you to both of you guys so much! It's nice having helpful people on here to get support from!
  • oh geez, okay thank you so much for all of this information! I greatly appreciate it! I'll start looking at some of these websites
  • Okay that helps a lot, I'm going to try that and test an hour after eating to see what makes me go too high. Thanks a ton :)
  • So I've had my fitbit for about a month now but haven't been using it much. I want to start using it everyday but need friends to keep me motivated and to do challenges with! feel free to add me :smile: https://www.fitbit.com/user/39XHWK
  • ^^this is honestly a really good idea, I might need to start doing this!
  • I want to lose 20 lbs as well but ugh I love beer too much! I'm a college student and just turned 21 this past year..so I just gained my "freshman" 15 this year even though I'm a senior now
  • Hey thanks for the response! I've only been diagnosed for about a month now, so I'm definitely still trying to figure everything out and get the hang of things-it's a lot to pay attention to! Also I have a question about diabetes maybe you could help me with or maybe you know about since you have been losing weight…