Type 1 Diabetic

kayygregg Posts: 11 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I used to use MFP but then got bored because I didn't add any friends and had no motivation. I recently got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and have been gaining weight from insulin, I decided to get serious with my health and get back on track. I could use some new friends for motivation and to help motivate you as well! :)


  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a type 2 diabetic who used to be insulin dependent, but loosing 100 pounds, keeping a detailed and honest food diary, educating myself about what certain foods do to my BG, and getting regular exercise, has changed that. No longer on any injectable meds, just Metformin. Test your BG often and learn how your body reacts to different foods, and avoid the ones that cause the big spike. Every diabetic reacts differently to the foods they eat. You have to do the homework. But reducing/getting off the injectable insulin is not impossible. You can check out my profile and add me to your friends list if you want. I love to motivate and help people. :)
  • kayygregg
    kayygregg Posts: 11 Member
    Hey thanks for the response! I've only been diagnosed for about a month now, so I'm definitely still trying to figure everything out and get the hang of things-it's a lot to pay attention to! Also I have a question about diabetes maybe you could help me with or maybe you know about since you have been losing weight successfully..the doctors said I need to eat about 50g of carbs every meal, but I thought it's carbs that make you gain weight? Is it crucial for diabetics to eat a certain amount of carbs, or can I reduce this to lose weight? Just trying to figure more stuff out to help me lose weight and stay on track with my BG!
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    I started to lose weight when I cut my daily carb intake to less than 100g. At the same time , I tried to keep my fiber intake above 25g, so that meant making smart choices with my carbs, like whole grains, fresh veggies, and legumes. I used to test before meals, plus 1 and 2 hours post meal so I could really learn what foods caused my BG to spike high. If something I ate caused my numbers to go above 150 at the 1 hour mark, I would reduce my portion size or eliminate it from my diet. Like I said, every diabetic reacts differently. What worked for me may not be right for you. The only way to know is to test ALOT! I now eat about 150g of carbs a day, but have upped my exercise intensity to help offset the increase. My average fasting BG is around 95.
  • kayygregg
    kayygregg Posts: 11 Member
    Okay that helps a lot, I'm going to try that and test an hour after eating to see what makes me go too high. Thanks a ton :)
  • anna_nz
    anna_nz Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! My names Anna and I am also a newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic (Christmas Eve 2014). I worked my butt off the 2 years before I was diagnosed to get healthy and dropped my weight by 30+kgs. I knew that I would put a small amount of this back on after I was diagnosed however with close to 18kgs back on in 6 months I'm feeling pretty crappy. So my journey starts today! Would be great to become friends and help motivate each other
  • m95damico
    m95damico Posts: 8 Member
    I have been pretty recently diagnosed too... Last Halloween. How have you been doing with it? There is so much to learn, but you master it very quickly. I love talking to people who know what it's like
  • m95damico
    m95damico Posts: 8 Member
    And to answer your question, there are days when I don't take any insulin for my meals because I either exercise it off or don't have any carbs. There are other times when I get a 120 carb plate of nachos from moes. So as long as you are good at counting carbs (and looking up nutritional information online) you shouldn't have a problem keeping your numbers regulated