jonalu1234 Member


  • I just got my Oculus today! I'm so excited. I plan on using the Supernatural app.
  • Hi My name is Holly. I have a daughter in college too. We are also working to get healthy together even though we are far apart. I have been off this site for a year and I just came back. I would love to do the "friend thing" with you. LOL
  • Yes lol. That's what it was called.
  • I haven't read all of the comic books I read the first continuum ( is that even the right word for that? Lol) I forget how far that went. I loved it though and want to continue just haven't gotten around to it. I don't think he's dead... At least I really don't want to believe he is dead. I believe that the intestines…
  • I love Carol. She is my favorite character in my opinion the most evolved and strongest of all of them
  • I think she was living in a fantasy world and now that she has seen the reality she's just having a mental breakdown. I think she is just overwhelmed
  • Week 13 228.5 Week 14 227.8 Loss this week .7 Loss in challenge 23.2 Total loss 41.4
  • Week 12 230.8 Week 13 228.5 Loss this week 2.3 Loss in challenge 22.5 Total loss 40.7
  • Week 11 235.7 Week 12 230.8 Loss this week 4.9 Challenge loss 20.2 Total loss 38.4 I did it! I am gonna keep going! Your all doing great. I'm so so proud of us.
  • Oh I posted my stuff in the wrong week, these are my numbers for yesterday 7/26/15 Week 10 239.8 Week 11 235.7 Loss this week 4.1 Loss in challenge 15.3 Total loss 34
  • Hi, my name is Holly. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I had this app forever too. I could just never commit to get healthy. Then about 3 months ago I got on the scale and I weighed 269! Almost as much as my 6"1 dad. He is overweight and tall. I'm only 5'6. I was mortified and told myself that I refuse to see…
    in Jasmine Comment by jonalu1234 July 2015
  • Week 9 239.8 Week 10 235.7 Loss this week 4.1 Loss in challenge 15.3 Total loss 34 I had a really great week. Im so glad I didn't give up. I stayed at a 29 pound loss for about 20 days. I knew I was doing what I was supposed to do but I started getting discouraged. I'm so happy today to have stuck with it. Thanx for being…
  • If you can do it, great but even if you can't I still think you're great! Thanx for not letting our group die.
  • Week 8 239.2 Week 9 239.8 Loss in challenge 11.2 Total loss 29.4 I don't know what happened this week. I have been eating really good but I didn't exercise enough. I will step it up this week. Thanx so much for starting our group again.
  • Thank you so much for all your answers. I found most of them really helpful. A few of you mentioned calories. Everything I use says it has zero calories so I hope that is true. Well have a great day everyone! Thanx again!
  • Ugh! I can totally relate! Not to be gross but my mom says I was constipated since the day I was born. The way I handled it when was not on a diet was to eat prunes and raisin I take a couple of stool softeners at least once a week. That's pretty much the only time I go. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday…
  • Hi my name is Holly. I'm pretty new too. I started 35 days ago and I've lost 18 pounds. I'm very excited and would love to be your friend. I still have such a long way to go. But I have been feeling very positive and hopeful. I will send you a friend request. It will say jonal1234.
    in im new Comment by jonalu1234 June 2015
  • Thank-you and congratulations on losing 41 pounds. that is awesome. I just can't wait to get into double digits lol
  • Thank you for the encouragement. I feel so different this time. I am excited and happy and I believe I can do it. It's great to hear from people like u who have already lost what I need to lose. Gives me hope!
  • Yay! That worked! Thank you, now it says I lost 5 pounds and that makes me smile.
  • Thank you! I will try that.
  • I've just started my diet 3 days ago. I'm not letting myself feel guilty. It only goes downhill from there. I just have to plan when I want to eat a couple of cookies. My kids brought home oreos tonight. Ugh! I wanted to eat them all! But I had 2 and didn't go over my calories for the day. I guess it could have been a…
  • Ok that's good cause it even says I lost it in my news feed
  • I'm with u! I can't wait to be out of the 200s. I'm 265's hard but I'm not giving up. I want friends anyone can add me :smiley:
  • Hi I'm Holly and I want to lose 100 pounds too. I can always use friends a support.
  • Hi my name is Holly. I can totally relate I think I first came on here about a year ago...then pretty much did nothing but I have started again. So I hope to stay positive and make some changes in my life.
    in Here I Go Comment by jonalu1234 May 2015
  • Hi my name is Holly I started gaining weight when I was about 12, so yes I can relate. The only time in my life that I was thin I was sick and addicted to crack. I just started again and have a long way to go. Would love to have friends. :smile:
  • I have been on and off this app for a year. I like it. It helps me keep track of my calories and now that I'm reading other people's stories I'm feeling g very encouraged.
    in Newbie Comment by jonalu1234 May 2015
  • Hi I am new too I'm 45 and also going through menopause. I get up every day and tell myself "I want to live" it's only been 3 days but I tell myself I want to live throughout the day helps me. I weigh and measure every bit of food I put in my mouth too. I've lost 4 pounds so far. I'm hopeful today.