sassysara Member


  • This topic made me laugh out loud! : ) Good luck and welcome to the site! I know it has helped me a lot just to have strangers tell me they're proud of me (which sounds strange but is actually really cool!) : )
  • I totally Agree!! One of my main goals is to lose the weight to hopefully get pregnant again next year so that is a big motivator for me. Another tip is to use the small plates when you're at a holiday get together (or even just at home!) and then you don't load it up so much and it looks like you're eating a bunch when…
  • Awww, hurray!!! That's awesome! I have a pair of too snug pants that fit the other day so I know how you feel! : )
  • I'm pretty new to eating right and working out but I think that protein will help keep you full longer so if you can find a good protein shake or bar to eat after you exercise it will help with your muscle growth and might help keep you full longer. Hope that helps! : )