I stay hunger all the time when I exercise!

501blues Posts: 10
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I do fine until I exercise. I feel hunger all the time, especially the day after I exercise. It makes me not want to exercise. I try to stay away from meats and eat more veggies. I also notice that I don't seem to be satisfy at all. Someone help me!


  • sassysara
    sassysara Posts: 4 Member
    I'm pretty new to eating right and working out but I think that protein will help keep you full longer so if you can find a good protein shake or bar to eat after you exercise it will help with your muscle growth and might help keep you full longer. Hope that helps! : )
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Absolutely - you need protein! If you do not eat meat - try protein shakes and quinoa. Make sure each meal has some carbs, fats (good fats) and protein in them.
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    Try incorporating beans into your diet and some complex carbs and whole grains.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories? Try nuts or peanut butter with fruit and and whole grains after exercising. That really helps me and it has not slowed my weight loss at all. I am right on track with my goal weight and I have never plateaued more than two weeks.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Try not to eat those beans without ventilating... LOL. Yeah I've had this problem before! Thirst can also masquerade as hunger so make sure to drink plenty of fluids and to replenish your electrolytes. Also, don't walk around feeling hungry, when you're hungry ask yourself if you're actually hungry or just feel like eating. You've got to feed your body when you exercise, so stock up on healthy snacks, fuit and nut bars, protein shakes, fruits, veggies (there are lots of things that are great tasting, good for you and inexpensive out there).

    A banana after a work out REALLY helps to make you feel full. I would definitely suggest a banana after every workout. The potassium also helps muscles to rebuild themselves faster.

    But really, EAT. It does a body good.
  • Thanks everyone! I will be adding beans more that the cold weather has come. I do drink alot of water, more than is required. I feel that my hunger is true because my stomach feels like it's caving in. I might need to start talking vitamins. I eat nuts and alot of peanut butter. I will try to add more meat into my diet. I quess I need to omit the bread. I love bread!
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    God I love bread too! I can eat bread and nothing else all day. I don't even put anything on the bread just bread with something to wash it down with. That's another one of my weaknesses I'm battling with. I have bread almost every day.

    Don't forget the banana! A banana right after a workout is awesome! Unless you hate bananas then yeah stick with the beans and lean proteins.
  • I love bananas too! But does it really have that many calories?
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    A banana, depending on the size has anywhere between 80 and 115 calories. And it's really the potassium and feeling of satiety that make it a good after workout fuel.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm sure someone else mentioned this already, but - Protein Protein Protein. If you don't like meat try beans, nuts, seeds, and dairy products.

    "The bottom line is this: When you expend energy by exercising, you need to consume extra energy to fuel the activity." Doing exercise burns calories and your body is telling you that you need to consume some, if not most, of those burned calories back. But don't skip the exercise just because it makes you hungry.

    "Without exercise, dieters lose both muscle and fat during the diet phase... Over time, the proportion of fat making up their bodies becomes greater and greater, while the proportion of muscle becomes smaller and smaller." If you lose weight through diet alone and don't incorporate a good amount of exercise you run the risk of becoming one of those Thin Fat people - Someone who looks thin but actually has a lot of fat on their bodies, and worse, surrounding their internal organs, which is often responsible for many diseases and health problems.

    "people who maintain their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are otherwise slim."

    This article is very informative and I highly recommend it: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18594089/ns/health-fitness/
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