How does everyone keep motivated this time of year?

theinchef Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if any one had any ideas about keeping motivated during the holidays. If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it.




  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    I want to ring in the New Year looking good and feeling clean and healthy :)

    I also am in a good friend's wedding in June and want to look smoking hot in my bridesmaid dress. Definitely do not want to do any more damage that I'm going to have to eventually undo.
  • Ahhh such a good question and I had asked the same thing to one of my friends who is on her way to loosing weight a second time around (she just had a beautiful baby girl!) An she said to me, when you have your holiday dinners, eat a very little of what you want and eat a lot of the good stuff, salad and turkey... but if you want that stuffing or mashed potatoes have a little bit and be satisfied.

    And while you are just think of how GREAT you are going to look next year sitting at the table!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Like ashleygrob said, fill up on the good stuff and treat yourself (in moderation) to the less healthy stuff.

    Heck, if you can make it through the holiday season being good, you'll kill it once you're past it!

    Keep your eyes on the prize, and if you ever feel like you're going to waiver just pop online and say hello to all of us. Reading through the "Success Stories" section helps me.
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I agree with not depriving yourself, just stay in moderation. Also, make sure your meals and days between the holiday meals/parties are really healthy. Some people advise to just maintain weight during the holidays since most people average a gain of 5 pounds during the season.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    2 things are keeping me motivated...
    For starters, I started P90X yesterday....90 days from now, 2 things will be right around the corner...

    1. My grandma is coming to visit and always manages to make me feel overweight and disgusting. She flat out says "You've gotten chubby" or "I see you haven't lost any weight" kind of stuff. I want to look amazing this year, an with 15 pounds to lose and toning to do, I think I can reach my goal by April.

    2. My husband and I's one year anniversary. I want to look amazing for our anniversary and be confident with myself, which is what he really wants.
  • i need to ,before jan. 2nd. i turn 40 years old, so i like to look great.
  • I want it really bad and stuff it in everyone's face =P
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm planning on getting pregnant again sometime between March and May. I was overweight for both my previous pregnancies and I'd like to be less overweight next time around. I'm only 6 pounds from being back at my pre-children weight, so I'm really motivated. Plus, any time I cut out the junk food and soda I find I don't want it all the time. Most of the time I actually prefer salads and water, so it's not that difficult to avoid sweets during the holidays. And I make the food for my family so I can control how much salt, butter, etc. goes into everything.
  • MFP has really helped me in my quest to lose all my extra weight, and I was getting a little worried about whether or not I'd be able to keep losing during the holidays -- first holidays with my new lifestyle,etc.

    A trainer I work with reminded me that, some weeks, not gaining anything is as much a victory as losing a pound or two. I've refocused my goals to emphasize maintaining my current progress, and it has really helped. It's not an excuse to go nuts, just an acceptance of reality and permission to myself to enjoy the season!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I try really hard to not have any special Holiday goodies in my house. No Holiday candies, cookies that sort of thing. It is way more difficult to do this if you have young children in the house. But if you are all adults, ask someone else to hide these from you. Basically, you are allergic to them and they don't work for you.

    Reward yourself with things other than foods and drink. Movies out, a manicure, a new pair of Jeggings, a gift card to iTunes ... that sort of thing.

    Even if you are not ready to post before and after pictures, try to take some current pictures of yourself and compare them to any picture you can find of yourself at your heaviest.

    Don't think you can eat and drink anything you wish just because you've "earned it." You haven't earned the right to be unhealthy. Not at all.

    Stay focused on your goals. Ask for help here at MFP. Read the diet diaries of your successful MFP friends. Spend some time looking at the Sale racks in the size you want to be. Imagine yourself buying such cute clothes, on sale, in say just a few months or whenever you goal is! Know you will get there!

    You can do this. You are worth it!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I agree with ring in the new year with a better body - and more healthy! I planned a "reward" trip for late January to keep me motivated! I want to be "there" by then - but even if you are not - plan a little weekend trip to somewhere you have always wanted to go!
  • sassysara
    sassysara Posts: 4 Member
    I'm planning on getting pregnant again sometime between March and May. I was overweight for both my previous pregnancies and I'd like to be less overweight next time around. I'm only 6 pounds from being back at my pre-children weight, so I'm really motivated. Plus, any time I cut out the junk food and soda I find I don't want it all the time. Most of the time I actually prefer salads and water, so it's not that difficult to avoid sweets during the holidays. And I make the food for my family so I can control how much salt, butter, etc. goes into everything.

    I totally Agree!! One of my main goals is to lose the weight to hopefully get pregnant again next year so that is a big motivator for me.

    Another tip is to use the small plates when you're at a holiday get together (or even just at home!) and then you don't load it up so much and it looks like you're eating a bunch when you're really only eating the right amount! : )
  • My boyfriend is really fit and does stair races. At the end of January we're both heading to Chicago so he can race for the Step Up For Kids foundation. He motivates me and so does the idea of going to Chicago for the first time! I also reeeaally reaally want to be bikini ready BEFORE May. So...that helps. lol
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