Thank you. I’m seeing the doctor on Thursday. I’m willing to try anything!
Food shop!
Just started jogging myself. Never thought it would be for me but really surprised at how much I’m enjoying it. I could do with new running trainers but money is a bit tight, saving for a family visit to America! Any tips on affordable trainers welcome.
I have a black lab and some fish right now. When I was 16 I came home from babysitting with a stick insect. We called it Bella. Bella got out of her bowl and turned up a few weeks later behind the stove with a baby stick insect! We named that one Stella.
Thanks both. Not getting anywhere with the antispasmodics and have been a little afraid of too much fibre. I can't pin point anything in my diet but suspect Diet Coke doesn't help too much! I don't have a problem with killing animals but have tried meat in the last few years but just do t like the texture.
Morning. I suffer with my back so do low impact workouts yoga, Pilates, swimming. I do use a 3lb Hulahoop though as Iv read it's more beneficial than sit ups that strain my back.
North Wales U.K
Welcome Chris. Feel free to add me.
Yep. Lovely feeling. Not done it for years though.
Your right, I should get it checked out. Thanks for all the helpful advice though everyone
So good to hear from fellow Brits! Do any of you use mapmyfitness? I use the mapmywalk one. Love Manchester although I haven't been since the Christmas markets.
So sorry I'm only just seeing this post today. It's nice to hear from someone close and not from the USA! Where about a are you from?
Hi all. Thank you so much for your helpful advice. So sorry it's taken me a while to reply! Apart from the sprouts I enjoy all of your suggestions so will increase them into my diet.
Hi I'm Kate. I'm 5'7 and 170lb. Been off the diet for a few months now due to personal stresses but need to focus on my diet and fitness and not let negative things affect my health. Feel free to add x
Thank you everyone. Good to know I'm not alone
Hey, thanks all. I was nervous about posting but felt/hoped I would get a response. Just started with the multi vit again but will get some fish oils in too. The sun light is going to be a hard on though here in north wales! Will get round to adding now and thanks again
North wales here
North wales. Feel free to add.
Thanks guys. Never used this app for asking advice but will be doing more often
Thank you. I guess low fat Philly cheese would be ok. Never thought about cottage or ricotta but up for giving it ago
Hi. I'm from north wales. Just started my journey and have 35lb to lose
Give it a go, free on YouTube too
Would love some more friends on here please.
I stopped breastfeeding at 7 months with my second as I was drained. She's 7 now and I'm still drained my her haha. I know what you mean about hoping they allow you to get on with it. Mine don't tend to so Iv started putting on children's yoga. Iv got a bad back so the children's yoga is at a nice level for me and my girls…
Firstly congratulations on your new baby. Sounds like you have your hands full. I lost my baby weight much quicker on my second then I did on my first. Walking really helped me. Good luck x