jms870815 Member


  • I love it! I just started another round of it this morning... I rotate Piyo and Chalean Extreme. :smile:
  • I love PiYo! I'm also very uncoordinated. In the beginning I would have to modify at times and use a chair for balance. However, I was amazed at how strong and more flexible my whole body was after the 2 month schedule. It's definitely worth it to go through the program!
    in PiYo Comment by jms870815 July 2015
  • Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today is PiYo Strength intervals, we'll see just how much strength I have. :p Keep up the great work Amy! I personally love finding out that old clothes fit again, though new clothes are nice too... Coach, it sounds like I well thought out decision and I bet your son is happy with your…
  • You need to relax and not take it out on yourself. 1 night isn't going to make you gain an obscene amount of weight. Today is a new day. Drink water, go for a walk. Don't stress about your cravings. The more you stress about them and tell yourself that you can't have them, the more you'll want them. You CAN do this. Just…
  • PiYo Buns Last night. PiYo Core this morning. My energy level was much better yesterday, so I'm hopeful. :blush: Amy I hear you on the cool weather.. Its May 20th for Pete's Sake! It's 48 degrees here today..... I think we are going to jump straight into 100 degree with high humidity here, no spring for us. Nice work Lexi!…
  • Amy you are doing AMAZING! :sunglasses: Keep up the good work lady! Coach- yay for only 2 weeks left! I think the kids around here are done this week. Glad you are feeling better! Diane- Welcome back! I recently came back as well. :mrgreen: Lexi- you are kicking *kitten* with the running and turbo fire. Keep it up! I have…
  • Yesterday I did PiYo define Upper and TF HIIT 20.. Then I spent all day from 7:30am to 8:45pm either in the car or at a meeting. Yuck! :tired_face: Today was TF Fire Starter- I did not do well at all. Motivation wasn't there and I just wasn't that into it. I finished the workout, but my intensity wasn't as high as it could…
  • Amy- Its Julia! ;) Way to go on getting your workouts in every day! Also I figured out the smileys... I should be working, but who wants to do that?? if you use : (colon) and put any letter after it it will pull up a variety of smileys. Lexi- week 17, yay! Congrats on the move too. It's always such a pain to move, but…
  • Coach I hope you feel better soon Amy- I wonder about the smileys too.. How did you get the cold sweat guy? Lexi- 2.5 miles with a 6 year old, I'd say that's pretty darn good! My first check in! (now that I'm back...) HIIT 20 this morning. Dang it feels good to be back and moving. See you all tomorrow!
  • Thanks for the welcome! I understand about working out with the hubs. My husband isn't necessarily too hardcore, we just aren't even in the same ball field with what we like to do in our workouts. Amy, that's funny that a squeaky board made you think of me. Isn't it weird how you can get used to working out in one spot? I…
  • Hey everyone... You have probably long forgotten the above person. :wink: This is a little weird but that is me. I tried a few times to come back with motivation after surgery but it never happened. So I deleted my old account (like an idiot) and started this one. I finally found some motivation locally, a friend in the…