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  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Mmmmm, beer for breakfast lol Sounds like a great time Coach. Feel free to post a picture of the warm sunshine for me. It's still in the 30's here and I need a blast of sun.

    You can't always make good choices, and quite honestly, I don't think you should when on vacation.

    I know my personal 75 day challenge ends on April 23rd and I plan on "going wild" on the 24th :hushed:
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'll tell you what is crazy. The bar and outdoor seating on the boardwalk/pier was busy. I guess it was 5:00 somewhere.

    I wish I knew how to post pictures. I have an instagram account where I posted many pictures of the sunrises and sunsets. Of course my account name is coachreyes

    We would go the beach with a cup of coffee and sit on the beach watching the sunrise. There were many people on the beach, hanging out, jogging or just sitting enjoying the sounds of the rolling waves.

    I knew I would have a few "bad" eating days, but for the most part I really tried to eat well. I did enjoy a chili dog at each ball park but nothing extreme. I really wanted a funnel cake, but stayed away. haha
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Yay! Hubby was finally able to find a pair of workout shoes for me. The pair he bought for my birthday were too small. Let's see if this helps my knee and ankle.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't like to spend money on a lot of items, but shoes is a priority. As much time as I'm on them at school, practice and working out, I can't stand to have my feet hurt.

    So glad to be getting back into the routine. It has been difficult because I had so much fun last week, but if I want to have more fun this summer, I need to be disciplined.

    Here's to a great weekend.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    I really need to get new sneakers, it's just hard to pick a pair online. There are no show stores out here in the boonies, and I don't think Walmart sneakers will hold up to Turbo Fire!

    I completed week 15 this today, I can't believe it has been almost 4 months. I am hoping to be down 2 more pounds by next Thursday. I really want to be able to say that I lost 15 pounds by my birthday lol

    Have a great day!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I believe you will make the weight loss goal.

    TF has really gone by fast. I am definitely feeling like I'm in shape and can see progress. I smile when I think about the first time I ever did a TF workout.

    The not so negative thing right now is my clothing dilemma. I have really cut down on my pant sizes but am not in the mood to purchase new slacks with only 5 weeks of school left. But that's a good problem. You have to remember, I will go three months in shorts.

    I hope you all have a great weekend. Keep pressing play.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    One pound closer this morning, now 6 days to lose the 15th lol Then, of course, try not to gain a bunch back on my 4 days off.

    I have noticed so much change in myself. I feel better physically and mentally, I am stronger, more coordinated and bonus, I am having trouble keeping my jeans up too! lol

    I know that I have kept it up because of this team, so thank you!

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Way to go you two! Since I can't stand shopping for shoes, my husband goes for me. He is a sneaker head and has so many that people think it is a shoe store. He just picked up a pair of Under Armor shoes for me last week. My issue with clothing is my work slacks and belt are too big. I am waiting for the weather to stabilize so I can break out my tank tops and sleeveless dresses. Who wants tickets to the gun show? B)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    After thinking about it, I enjoy having clothes that are too big as opposed to being uncomfortable and not feeling good about myself. My daughter even mentioned that my pullover was too big for me yesterday.

    I love it Lexi! Down here we say, "Suns out, Guns out." :)
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Argh! Did seriously gain about 3 pounds?! Maybe it is muscle? Maybe it is my intense love of sweets and carbs? Also, why I am so hungry right now? Sorry for the random rant lol
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Weird thing is, I weighed in and 3 days later I weighed again with a 2 lb gain. After looking at my log and admitting a few faults I believe it was due to the fast food I had eaten. I was in my calorie range but the sodium and so forth had to have something to do with it. I have been drinking water like a fish and will weigh in again tomorrow.

    The biggest thing I am going by right now is my clothes. I have a few shorts and shirts I'm wearing that are several years old that I could fit in before.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    I admit I weigh most every day, but, I only let myself believe what I see on Friday morning. Otherwise, I would have a hard time staying motivated!

    We are the saggy clothes bottoms class! Woo hoo!

    Filled in my last day of the 75 day challenge, 700 calorie deficit for 75 days:

    53,763 total 75 day deficit

    8,019 that I didn't burn :(

    All in all 14 pounds lost ;)

    Have a great day!
  • teach0722
    teach0722 Posts: 42 Member
    Everyone is doing such a great job!

    I am wondering if you could help me out. I'm having trouble refinding my motivation. About a week ago my toe started become uncomfortable when I was doing my turbo fire work out with all the jumping and stuff. I took about a week off because I didn't want to make it worse like it was a year ago when I pulled a tendon in my foot. I probably took off more time then I should have, but I started to lose my motivation that I had when I first started in January till now. I keep reminding myself of the weight I have lost, and how far I have come. I am very proud of myself, I want to lose more, but I'm not putting my full effort that I used to into the workouts. (And dipping into the sweets). Can anyone help?
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Hey teach. How far did along were you in your TF workouts? Nothing wrong with going back to week one. Another option is to go to the beginning of the Cardio stages and go from there. The best option is to make up your own workouts. Fire 30 and 45 EZ are the lowest impact I think. If you do 45, 55EZ and 60 you can skip the Fire Drills also.

    I've always said that listening to your body is the best thing to do. If walking or something else is easier to do then that would be good also. Those of us on this board are here for support, accountability and support. You don't have to just be doing Turbo Fire.

    Chalene says it best, make a workout a non negotiable in your life. Set some time aside for you.

    Take care of your foot and I look forward to seeing you check in
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi Teach! You can also do the low impact modifications when needed. My knee and ankle were bothering me a few weeks ago so I wouldn't life that leg as high and followed Ally.
  • jms870815
    jms870815 Posts: 11 Member
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    Hey everyone sorry I have not been around. To answer Amy, yes, I did get the floor fixed. But there have been other issued that I haven't mentioned but now I'm going to get out there.
    I've been on an up and down roller coaster dealing with chronic migraines and endometriosis.

    Hey everyone... You have probably long forgotten the above person. :wink: This is a little weird but that is me. I tried a few times to come back with motivation after surgery but it never happened. So I deleted my old account (like an idiot) and started this one. I finally found some motivation locally, a friend in the same town that happens to be a Beach Body coach. Who would have thought that in a small town of just over 300 people I would find someone that was as into fitness and health as I am. Anyway, she is helping me find my way back, and I was wondering if I could join you guys again. Pretty please?! o:)

    I'm completely starting over with Turbo Fire. Today is day 3 in my schedule. I wanted to come back in here though to reintroduce myself and basically say "I'm back". I also wanted to say; sorry for bailing and for being gone for so long. The recovery from surgery took a little longer than the Dr said, and the emotional aspect of it took a toll as well, which I was not expecting at all.

    On a positive note, the last time I was active here it was much colder... it's finally warming up!!! Not to mention it is that lovely time of year for THUNDERSTORMS! I absolutely love thunderstorms. :) I hope you all are doing exceptionally well with your programs, and hope your days are going well too!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Well welcome back! Glad you were able to find a local workout buddy. I have been using the group to keep me motivated because working out with my husband can be challenging (he can be a tad bit too hardcore :#)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Diane, really the only one that can motivate you, is you :) I admit I rely on this class to keep me on track. Days I don't want to workout I think about having to admit that I didn't and force myself. Even if it is not my best effort, at least I did it. Come on back to class and dive in, you will be glad you did it!

    Hi Julie! Welcome back!

    I thought of you the other day when I realized one of the boards in my living room floor has started squeaking when I work out! I am trying to get used to working out over about a foot from it lol

    Glad you are back at it, feel free to refriend me if you want. I am on week 18, but plan on continuing with Turbo Fire through the Summer.
  • jms870815
    jms870815 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I understand about working out with the hubs. My husband isn't necessarily too hardcore, we just aren't even in the same ball field with what we like to do in our workouts.

    Amy, that's funny that a squeaky board made you think of me. Isn't it weird how you can get used to working out in one spot? I hate it when I have to move over, even just a foot... it completely throws me off. I"m also glad to hear you are planning on doing Turbo Fire throughout the summer, that is my plan as well... so the motivation will be great!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    jms870815 wrote: »
    I understand about working out with the hubs. My husband isn't necessarily too hardcore, we just aren't even in the same ball field with what we like to do.

    My husband used to coach different high school sports and play football. I played tennis but none of my coaches used my hubby's style.