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  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    Hi to everyone. Back from a customer service training class in Dallas, was gone all last week, but I took Fire 30 with me and did it every night in my room. I'm sure the people below me enjoyed that. o:)
    Now that is commitment! Great job!

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Great job sharkmom. I would have love to hear what the people below you were thinking. That is some great dedication. I always travel with the best intentions, but somehow don't follow through.

    I didn't work out today. I had one heck of a weekend. We hosted 6 teams in a track meet on Saturday. I was at the track from 7:00 am - 4:00 pm running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I did manage to walk over 14,000 steps and lifted a bunch of hurdles and so forth. It was in the high 60's and I got some good sun on my face.

    That evening we celebrated my nephew's birthday at a Japanese Steakhouse and afterwards I was ready for bed. I worked around the house all day yesterday and this morning I just wanted to lay in bed again.

    No time to slough off now. I've come to far.

    I hope everyone has a great week.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Coach, I bet that your headless chicken routine burned a lot of calories. Turbo Chicken! :D

    I cannot wait until Spring, I need to get out of the house! It is in the 40s this week and the snow is starting to melt. It is still above my knees in most of the lawn. I bet the boys (dogs) are going to go crazy once they have more of their trails cleared to run on. Of course, they will also be mud balls when they come in. I'll take it over snow any day!

    Have a great day ~ see you all in class tomorrow :)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Have you see this website? They have a bunch of workouts, kind of neat to look through.

    Unfortunately, my internet at home is so hit and miss, I doubt I would ever be able to get through a whole workout with it buffering every 2 minutes.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I will definitely look it up when I have get home.

    On the plus side coaching track, running around like a chicken with my head cut off is working. (plus I get to walk around the track after practice) In 10 weeks I have lost 26 pounds. I'm getting blood work in the morning so I hope my doctor is happy. Of course according to the BMI standards or whatever they are called I'm still not close to my "ideal" body weight . Of course, I'm feeling good right now and I'm on schedule for Spring Break 2015.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    It was really a "I don't want to gain any weight while on this trip, it takes too long to get it back off" mindset. My weight loss has been really slow and I have really worked hard for every pound I have taken off. I promise I really didn't want to work out everyday while there - but after I was in it for 5 minutes I was glad I did it.

    Great job with the weight loss coach - 26lbs is awesome!! You'll reach your ideal weight I'm sure of it. And 14,000 steps is nothing to sneeze at.

    Amy, I checked out that website and it does look good. However I'm like you with the internet at home - we live in the country so we only have DSL - ugh. Streaming things don't work out to well for me.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    In 10 weeks I have lost 26 pounds.

    I wish there balloons and streams smilies! You do get many of these though (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Are you holding out your hand for us to put them on??

    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    It was really a "I don't want to gain any weight while on this trip, it takes too long to get it back off" mindset. My weight loss has been really slow and I have really worked hard for every pound I have taken off. I promise I really didn't want to work out everyday while there - but after I was in it for 5 minutes I was glad I did it.

    Major HIGH FIVES! And a star lol (*)

    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    Amy, I checked out that website and it does look good. However I'm like you with the internet at home - we live in the country so we only have DSL - ugh. Streaming things don't work out to well for me.

    Me too, DSL is evil >:)

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks BeLight. I feel your support so much. I look forward to my workouts every day and I can feel so much better. I don't just feel good physically, but I have so much more energy on a daily basis.

    I am getting bonus work at track practice. It's not unusual to get an additional 6-8000 steps a day. We have a meet this afternoon. It's been 80 degrees all week and the day of our meet it drops to 60. Good news, it will be back around 75 on Sunday and I can get in a round of golf. Always a bonus.

    I will need some of your discipline sharkmom over Spring Break. We are headed to Florida and travelling from the coast to coast catching some spring training baseball games. Baseball, hot dogs and beer are not a good combo. At least I'll spend a few days on the beaches and nothing better than walking on a beach.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    BeLight, I once called Comcast and inquired if I could get it and they laughed - out loud - when I gave then my address!!

    Coach - I'm sure you will do fine on spring break. All things in moderation (with exercise) is my life mantra now. You know if you walk higher up on the beach, where the sand is not packed by the water, you get a better workout. When we go to Florida I walk one way up top and then the other way down by the water's edge.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I found this partial list of the songs from Turbo Fire, pretty fun to listen to. Although hard to sit still at work while they are on lol

    Work is soooooooo slow, I am bored. I am grateful they are paying me to be here, but ugh!

    - Flo-Rida: In the ayer
    - Salt N Pepper: Boom! I got your boyfriend
    - Akon: Belly Dancer
    - Run DMC: Its like that
    - Duice: Dazzey Duks
    - Salt N Pepper: Push It
    - Kool & The Gang: Get down on it
    - Afro Rican: Give it all you got
    - 2 in a room: Wiggle it
    - Tina Turner: Proud Mary
    - Trina: Pull Over
    - Vanilla Ice: Play that funky music
    - Play: Every little step
    - MC Hammer: Turn this mutha out
    - Parliament Funkadelic: Give Up The Funk
    - Sugar Hill Gang: Rapper's Delight
    - Chic: Le Freak
    - Baltimore Club: Booty Call
    - Run DCM: Its Tricky
    - Colby O'Donis ft. Akon: What You Got
    - Wild Cherry: Play that funky music

    Does anyone know who sings the finale song on Fire 60? This is your last chance, it's time to dance? or something like that. I really like it but cannot find it anywhere!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited March 2015
    coachreyes wrote: »
    Baseball, hot dogs and beer are not a good combo.

    I disagree! That is the PERFECT combo ~ well maybe not for weight loss, but........

    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    BeLight, I once called Comcast and inquired if I could get it and they laughed - out loud - when I gave then my address!!

    Time Warner aka Roadrunner is driving me batty. They ran the lines for cable in my little town of 1200 people a few years ago, but NOT the one for internet :s Now to make it even more annoying, the people at the end of our road, a mere 10th of a mile, have roadrunner!! I can actually see the wire from my driveway! Not fair :'(

    Maybe I should get to know my neighbors and beg them to share Wi-Fi :p

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    What a wonderful surprise this morning ~ I finally weighed in and have lost another 4 pounds. 10 pounds in 10 weeks, that never happened before. I was expecting (hoping, praying) one pound, so 4 was awesome!

    Thank you all again, you are making this happen for me! :D
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    That is such a great list of songs BeLight if they stood alone. Only Chalene could put them to a workout. She's pretty amazing.

    Many of those songs came out when I was entering high school and now they are played in commercials. I find that funny.

    The Spring is upon us. We have 80 degree weather and I believe the time change along with the sun is really draining me. I am upping my water intake and that is adding more steps as I have to walk down the hall more frequently.

    I am so excited to go to Florida in two weeks but now my dilemma is how to get in my TF workouts. If I work out on the beach will that be the same?

    Have a great Hump Day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Funny this is, in high school I hated rap type music. I was a big hair band girl. My teenage self would be ashamed of me lol Now I actually have most of these songs on my Ipod, wish I could find the rest!

    Spring has refused to spring here. 19 this morning with a predicted high of 30, blach!

    Coach, next month is Cardio Month, you will need to do some serious beach workouts. Can you bring your DVDs? I see Fire 60 is finally showing up, hip, hip hooray!

    Can you tell I've had too much coffee this morning? Rip Van Light needed caffeine!

    Have a great day class ~ see you tomorrow, I will probably hit it with Fire 55.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I think you would say I'm eclectic when it comes to music. I love all kinds but truth be know I grew up of heavy metal.

    I'm ready for the cardio. I know my body needs a recovery week. That is one thing I am sure of.

    However, I think I'll sneak in some TF 60 in before I head to Florida.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Now that I am older, you would think my ipod is bipolar, my music taste is all over the board lol

    I think the altimate reward for finishing Turbo Fire, not counting the fitness part, would be a DVD of all the songs!

    How long will you be in Florida?
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I love the music that Chalene has selected! A couple are from when I was in elementary school like the Bobby Brown song in Fire 30.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Here's the funny and best part. I talk with my students all the time about music. I always download their songs to see what they are listening to. They still listen to my age music. Crazy how that age has kept strong. Of course, with teenagers I get my fill of Chief Keef and 2Chainz. Lil Wayne is no longer on their playlists, but Run DMC still is.

    BeLight, I will be in Florida for 7 days. I am spending time near Cocoa Beach and a few days in Fort Myers.

    I love Florida. I am looking forward to a little rest and relaxation. My days have been crazy lately.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    Chief Keef and 2Chainz. Lil Wayne is no longer on their playlists

    I feel very old, that seems like a foreign language to me lol Now I know what my parents must have felt like when my favorite band in school was Twisted Sister!

    7 days? Class won't be the same without you!

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I am working on my schedule right now to ensure I don't miss any workouts.

    These kids listen to all kinds of music. It changes monthly.

    I'm not sure how but my own children like country. My oldest is 22 and his favorite band are The Beatles.

    "A pledge pin on your UNIFORM!?!"