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  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    I use a Polar ft7. It actually monitors my HR and gives me a calorie burn based on my HR and the stats I have entered into it. I love it! I used to have a FitBit but found that it miscalculated with workout videos since it mostly counts steps rather than heart rate.

    Thanks! I will be doing some research.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Well, we finally got some snow here! They initially said 1" but changed it around noon yesterday to 6-8".. I'm thinking we have closer to 8 and it's not done snowing here. Plus the wind is blowing about 30mph so we are going to have some pretty big drifts. I guess ask and you shall receive, right? ;)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Random question: Is it worth it to invest in one of those FitBit or Jawbone monitors? My husband had a Nike Fuel band but kept having issues with it. I think he shorted the thing out during his workouts.
    I have the bodymedia armband, I love it, but I tend to be over detail oriented. It tells me my daily calorie burn, steps, exercise (vigorous and moderate) and how many calories per minute I burn. Plus my sleep, which I don't need it to tell me is not good :) Plus I can sync it with the "display" device to see how many calories I burn during my workouts.

    I have been looking into the new Jawbone monitor since they stopped making the BodyMedia (although you can still buy them at Amazon). I would just buy a backup but am afraid the Jawbone won't be letting me sync it to their website soon :(

    I had a Timex HRM once, it was so far off! Told me I burned 20 calories per minute when working out lol

    Definitely do your research. I am still looking into the Jawbone, but cannot see how a bracelet on my wrist will be able to "read" me the way that my secure armband can?
    I've been so bad. I haven't worked out once since last Sunday. So, I start week 3 today. I know I just have to get up early before work and get them done. If anyone has any tips on how to love first thing in the morning workouts, I would love to hear them. As far as eating I have been logging my food everyday and made it to day 30 on mfp.
    I just treat my morning workout like my job, I can't skip it and go back to bed, so up and workout :) Great work on logging for 30 days!
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    Well, we finally got some snow here! They initially said 1" but changed it around noon yesterday to 6-8".. I'm thinking we have closer to 8 and it's not done snowing here. Plus the wind is blowing about 30mph so we are going to have some pretty big drifts. I guess ask and you shall receive, right? ;)
    You forgot to take my snow too! We got over 1' Sunday night, woke up to no way of getting out of the driveway. Well, okay, we could have it Bryan had started snow blowing right ways, isn't that busy and we enjoyed the snow day together watching cheesy horror movies.

    -12˚ here this morning, so counting down until Spring!

    My ankle is still swollen (not as bad, but still cannot tie my shoes all the way) and it is sore. None the less, I would say I am 75% healed, next week I might even be able to STAND up and workout B)

    Coach, you are quiet, hope all is well!!!!! It's your month, TF55EZ a few times a week :D

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks BeLight. I was in a golf tournament on Sunday morning with about 15 of my buddies involved. While several of you are having snow problems, it was 63 degrees. Several guys even wore shorts. From there we went to someone's house where there was enough food to feed an army to watch the Super Bowl. Needless to say, I didn't work out Monday morning.

    GOOD NEWS! My ticker on my page isn't exactly right. I'm embarrassed to say at some point I gained some weight. I'm going to blame it on the holidays and my Christmas cruise. We are doing a Biggest Loser with all the coaches at school, administration and even our school resource officer. Each club on campus is our sponsor and we are raising money for a local charity. Anyway, to make this long story short, I have lost 15 pounds since January 5.

    I credit, Turbo Fire and this group for keeping me motivated. Our next weigh in is Feb.
    17. How crazy is that. I already have plans for a beach get away with my wife. Oh well.

    My body media is no longer working and I haven't really looked into any other options at this point. My son uses a fitbit and he likes it.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    Anyway, to make this long story short, I have lost 15 pounds since January 5.

    Now if you had just NOT told me about your weather, I might have put that last bit in bold for you :'(

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Random question: Is it worth it to invest in one of those FitBit or Jawbone monitors? My husband had a Nike Fuel band but kept having issues with it. I think he shorted the thing out during his workouts.

    Just found this, out of ALL of the other devices out there, ONLY BodyMedia is listed as accurate :o I really hope they continue to support my BodyMedia!
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Amy, the Bodymedia is absolutely accurate. I have the UP24 and I have worn it with a body media link at the same time. They are within 10-15 steps of each other and within 15-25 calories burned of each other. Some days the UP24 was lower and other days it was higher, just for comparison.

    I loved my Bodymedia link and was so unhappy when it broke and I found out I could not buy another!! I borrowed my niece's for a week to see how the Jawbone UP24 compared. Since I can't get the link and support for Bodymedia has said that within the year the site will be phased out (gone) that you sync with I'm trying to look forward. :(

    I tried my nephews fitbit for a week and did not like it. And he was none to happy with his aunt who messed up his step counts, etc. but a gift card to his favorite clothing store mended the rift :)

    So at this point I really like the UP24. I have found that it is easier to sleep with and I have gotten use to it on my wrist. When I log my exercise I do not eat back any of my calories - unless I have really gone above and beyond /full throttle for the day, and even then I try to stay at 1400ish or so. My calories set by MFP are 1200 per day.

    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. Work has been crazy busy and I have had 3 sick kiddos. I think it was the twinkies and hohos B) I've been at it everyday since Sunday and check my phone app and smile when you all post.

    Here's to a much better rest of the week. I'm also glad that your ankle is doing better. I did my first ever set of burpee things that they do during the fire drill! I was so happy I did the happy dance, now if I could just get the hand of skiing before the pull down crunches...
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    It is good to know that the UP24 works, but I still think it stinks they are getting rid of the BodyMedia. I will hold out until they tell me they won't sync my armband before I buy anything else.

    Thank you for the real-time answers.

    Darn twinkies and hohos, hope the kids are feeling better! 3 sick kids is a handful indeed.

    Congratulations on the burpees, they are killer. I follow Alli for that part :)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I remember getting a twinkie in my lunch everyday growing up. I haven't had one in years. Although, my friend had a swiss roll/ice cream cake for his birthday party. It was pretty tasty.

    I am going out of town this weekend to a coaches convention. Danger lurks. I had to rearrange my TF workouts to accommodate this. I didn't mind not doing core today though and did 55 instead. I love that workout but I might go with TF 60 next time. I will be in a hotel tonight and Friday night so I will certainly have to watch my meals. Of course I'm sure we'll go out and I'll overindulge. The hotel has a nice fitness room so I'll hit up the ellipticals in the morning and instead of Sunday being a rest day I'll do a TF workout.

    Week 5 has come and gone. We are on easy street. I love the daily routine and feel accomplished. The biggest loser contest at school is going well and I'm looking forward to shedding more pounds, but more importantly I feel good.

    Have a great day and upcoming weekend!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I always thought Twinkies were a rip off when I was a kid, no frosting! lol

    Enjoy yourself Coach, but not TOO much o:)

    I will probably join you in Fire 60 next week. Tomorrow is Fire 55 for me.

    I almost convinced myself to go back to bed this morning and not workout, but, I just made myself hit play with my eyes half closed. It worked! I woke up and completed Fire 45.

    This morning I was thinking of this group while working out. It is kind of like we are in class together :) I can't remember who did the workout with the volume down, I cannot imagine that! And Lexi with twins running around her!

    Have a great day ~ see you tomorrow!

  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, no frosting on twinkies... before my Aunt brought them it had been 20 years since I had one. WOW, I am old! :o Just kidding.

    Coach have a great time - indulge just don't OVER indulge. I will have to check out the TF60 and see if I like it better, thank you for that suggestion.

    I posted on the other check in that I may go to working out later in the afternoon/evening as I feel like I have more energy and am able to give more to the workouts. I will be the odd ball in "class". I'm not sure why, but trying to work out in the AM is very taxing on my body and I just can't seem to muster the energy to really give it my all, even though the whole time I'm telling myself, you can do this, you are NOT tired and I really want to get up, work out and get on with the day.

    Amy, I'm like you, I think about our group all the time and check my phone for posts and updates. This group has been great where I feel like I have accountability. We will need to figure out what we do when we go through the 12 weeks of Turbo Fire - do we start over or start something new? I don't want our group to end. :s

    Lexi, your twins make me laugh out loud. My daughter who is 10 likes to workout with me. I don't particularly like when she does because she can kick like Chalene (from Taekwondo) and she says, "come on mommy, get that leg up higher!" And for a minute I think I am being ordered around by a miniature drill Sargent! Kids... :p

    Have a great weekend and see you all in "class" tomorrow.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I learned my lesson about trying to workout when my kids are awake especially on Friday nights. Those jokers have no patience. My 8 year old likes to do the punches but his coordination is not quite there yet. My 6 year old stays out of the way or quietly watches. The 4 year old twins will either run circles around me or ask if I'm done every few minutes. They want me to workout until I actually workout. My 2 year old comes around to tell I don't need to do my workout in the middle of the workout. Then takes my water bottle...and starts dancing.
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    Sharkmomtn I have a hard time working out in the morning too. I feel so much more awake and able to give it my all in the early evening. But, since we have so many evening activities, I am forcing myself to do more morning workouts. Another plus of early morning workouts is that my kids are still sleeping. My almost 5 year old told me on Thursday night when I was working out that I look funny. He also likes to spank by booty when I'm working out which can be rather annoying.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    calebandevansmom and Lexi- that is funny... I know not to you :D Kids are something else! Just think of the great memories they will have and the stories they will tell their kids about their mom exercising.

    I am going to set a goal to do 3 early morning workouts this coming week and see how it goes. I really like the idea of getting it out of the way, my body just doesn't agree. :p

    You guys have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sharkmom, I already have a plan in place for when my sons get older. It is called Operation Remember that time you... I am going to their gym and run laps around them and steal their water. Then ask every two minutes "You done with your workout?" If I am feeling spry, climb on their back while they attempt warrior one position.
  • therealgem
    therealgem Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2015
    Is it too late to introduce myself? :D
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Good morning gem! It's never too late and welcome. I think you will find this group fun, accountable and motivating.

    What a weekend. I spent 3 days and 2 nights in Atlanta for a coaching convention. I won't try to fool myself. As conscious as I was about eating well I just couldn't do it. We ate out both nights I was in town and since we hardly left the hotel my breakfast options were Starbucks muffins and banana nut bread (which was pretty good).

    Lexi, I love reading about your children and admire your determination to work out.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    I posted on the other check in that I may go to working out later in the afternoon/evening as I feel like I have more energy and am able to give more to the workouts. I will be the odd ball in "class". I'm not sure why, but trying to work out in the AM is very taxing on my body and I just can't seem to muster the energy to really give it my all, even though the whole time I'm telling myself, you can do this, you are NOT tired and I really want to get up, work out and get on with the day.

    Amy, I'm like you, I think about our group all the time and check my phone for posts and updates. This group has been great where I feel like I have accountability. We will need to figure out what we do when we go through the 12 weeks of Turbo Fire - do we start over or start something new? I don't want our group to end. :s

    Definitely do it later in the day then, make it work for you :)

    My schedule is for 20 weeks, that gives us 8 more weeks together B) And then we can still hang out no matter what workouts we are doing!
    Sharkmom, I already have a plan in place for when my sons get older. It is called Operation Remember that time you... I am going to their gym and run laps around them and steal their water. Then ask every two minutes "You done with your workout?" If I am feeling spry, climb on their back while they attempt warrior one position.

    TOO funny!
    therealgem wrote: »
    Is it too late to introduce myself? :D

    Nope, come on over and tell us about yourself!
    coachreyes wrote: »
    What a weekend. I spent 3 days and 2 nights in Atlanta for a coaching convention. I won't try to fool myself. As conscious as I was about eating well I just couldn't do it. We ate out both nights I was in town and since we hardly left the hotel my breakfast options were Starbucks muffins and banana nut bread (which was pretty good).

    Banana nut bread counts as fruit, right? ;)

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I really need to get myself under control again!

    75 days until my birthday and I want to be down at least 10 pounds by then. No more using the ankle thing as a reason to splurge, I'm still not sure how I justified drinking a bottle of wine Saturday because my ankle hurt? lol

    I am getting great calorie burns, but eating every single one of them and then some back :'(

    Starting clean today, I WILL have at least a 500 calorie deficit every day. What is the point of the Bodymedia if I don't use it properly?

    Okay, that's my rant ~ onward!

    See you in class tomorrow, I didn't look at the schedule, is it Fire 55?

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I really need to get myself under control again!

    75 days until my birthday and I want to be down at least 10 pounds by then. No more using the ankle thing as a reason to splurge, I'm still not sure how I justified drinking a bottle of wine Saturday because my ankle hurt? lol

    I have 112 days until my 50th. My daughter is making up tour t-shirts. We are celebrating it in several towns in SC, Ohio and Florida and spending a week at the beach. My 50th on tour in the summer of 2015.

    I don't justify drinking a beer or two. I just enjoy them! :)

    55 tomorrow, and maybe 60 instead of 45 on Wednesday.