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  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey there! Yesterday was super busy with all day meetings at work then parent teacher conferences for the boys. One of the twins has a stomach virus but you would not know that looking at him playing his video game. He is full of energy and I am ready for a nap.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    There seems to be a stomach bug going around every where! Hope everyone is better at your house now! I think I will workout at my house and not yours for a while ha ha
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    I just had to share these :'( Although compared to the last few weeks this is a heat wave


  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Hey everyone sorry I have not been around. To answer Amy, yes, I did get the floor fixed. But there have been other issued that I haven't mentioned but now I'm going to get out there.
    I've been on an up and down roller coaster dealing with chronic migraines and endometriosis. Both of these I've been dealing with for years but the Drs have been taking a more aggressive approach to them over the last few months. Well in the last couple of weeks my body said "no more". Anyway with all the pain and other complications it has made it hard the last couple to three weeks to work out regularly so I stopped coming on here.
    Now I'm looking at having a laparoscopy done on March 10th for the endometriosis. (assuming that my body cooperates that is.)
    Anyway, on top of all of this my hubby brought home a really nasty cold last week that knocked us both out. I'm just about over it. So I'm hoping to get back into working out, but I think I'm going to just take it easy up until the surgery and afterwords for a while.

    Coach- If you don't know what endometriosis is already, its related to the female reproductive system so don't look it up unless you truly are curious. ;)
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    There seems to be a stomach bug going around every where! Hope everyone is better at your house now! I think I will workout at my house and not yours for a while ha ha

    Thanks Amy! He was able to hold down his food and went back to school today. I just hope no one else gets it because I am out of paid leave.
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    I'm here - sorry I haven't posted much. I've been keeping up with my workouts, it was just a super busy week last week. We had snow and ice from Monday late afternoon on which basically shut down the state. They don't handle snow and ice here in the south very well.

    Amy - I know what you mean about the cold. I do not miss the northern weather and I hope you thaw out soon.

    Oh Lexi - stomach bug - yuck. Hope everyone is feeling better now.

    I posted in the other thread about having a physical last week. I am healthy with one caveat - I'm severely anemic. Which explains why I am so tired and weak in the morning and find it better to workout in the afternoon/evenings. I started on iron pills and a B Complex today. Hopefully they will help. Oh, and I'm going to incorporate more iron rich foods in my diet.

    I got Focus T25 for my DH and have been doing that with him in the evenings (in additional to following my TF) when he gets home. Holy Mackerel!!! That is kick butt - and it is only 25 minutes. Insane burn every time I do it and I am modifying. I don't know if you guys have looked at that. I also do not like to run, and PiYo looks too daunting for now. I don't know - maybe another round of turbo fire? I have all the programs that Chalene does, Turbo Jam and Chalene Extreme - maybe one of those. I don't know... hopefully we can find something that we can keep going together.

    I have made more progress since we started than I have in several years - you all are AWESOME B)
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    Hope everyone is well! Life has been busy and I got a little lazy. My youngest was sick last week as well. The weather has gotten back to more normal temps and we are getting some much needed rain. I finally finished week 4 and started week 5 today. I don't think I would have made it this far without this group.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Julia, great to see you back! I am sorry to hear of what you are going through, that is tough! I used to get migraines as a teenager and would rather sprain both ankles then ever have one again. I truly sympathize! Plus a super cold to deal with, you poor girl.

    Lexi, glad everyone's food is staying where it suppose to! I get running out of paid time off, it stinks!

    Sharkmom, I will have to look into the T25, is it fun or just intense? Just beating myself up won't keep me around too long lol I have learned the hard way too many times! Way to stick with the class.

    Diane, great to see you back also! Sorry about the sick child, there are so many things going around right now. I am starting to get paranoid that may I am getting sick. Which is not like me at all. lol

    I am sick of the cold, it just gets so tiring after a while. I did see a forecast in the 50's next week and will focus on that. Sure it will make a sloppy mess when all these feet of snow melt, but I don't care, give me warmth and sunshine, please??

    I still cannot find my weighted gloves, wonder what brilliant place I put them during my last cleaning frenzy??

    Have a great day everyone, I need coffee now to warm my hands and wake up my head!
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Amy - here is a youtube link that you can watch a better infomercial than what is on the beachbody site. If the link doesn't work, it's the youtube video by Jose Sanchez.

    I actually like the program. It's not near as dancy or have the awesome music like turbo fire, but the time flies by. It's like - what is that it - really 25 minutes. And I do modify, although eventually I hope not to B)
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Oh, I am not a beach body coach or anything like that. I just like the workout. About half way through the video is where they go into the "call now..." just shut it off or fast forward past that. The first 15 minutes is where they show some of the workouts. o:)
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Julia, I hope things get better for you soon. This group will be here for support. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

    A friend of mine at school loves T25. I hadn't really looked into it. I did Insanity for about 3 weeks, but eventually my knees and back couldn't handle it. I'm interested in the modifier in this program. It looks great.

    BeLight, I enjoyed the bluebird of "happiness". Are you going to know how to act in 50 degree weather?

    I'll be happy when this week ends. We have had 3 2 hour delays. The kids can't get into a routine this way and I work better with a regular schedule.

    Here we go on to Week Nine!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    sharkmomtn wrote: »
    Oh, I am not a beach body coach or anything like that. I just like the workout. About half way through the video is where they go into the "call now..." just shut it off or fast forward past that. The first 15 minutes is where they show some of the workouts. o:)

    You brought an infommercial to class?? Shame on you! ha ha

    I will look into it, I'm not sure I like him standing there yelling at people though. I am grumpy enough in the morning and might end up yelling at the TV.

    On kind of the same note, do you think Chalene has a lot of anger issues? It seems every workout she talks about not remembering what she was upset about after a workout. Wonder if she is not a morning person like me! lol

    My husband had today off and was trying to "help" me get ready for work (remember I did mention I am not a morning person) by going out to start my car to warm it up. BUT he didn't turn on the heater on and only went out 10 minutes ahead of me. So when I got in to leave my car was still freezing and my wipers were frozen to the windshield, it was -5 outside. Made for a cold ride to work, at least the roads were clear.

    Fire 45 is on the schedule for tomorrow. I don't remember if it is 45 or 45 EZ, was too sleepy to look this morning.

    Wow, sorry, reading back through that, what a grump. :s:(:\ Not good to be grumpy on a Friday. Guess I totally didn't listen to Chalene this morning.


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    BeLight, I enjoyed the bluebird of "happiness". Are you going to know how to act in 50 degree weather?
    Probably have to build a raft, while wearing shorts and a t-shirt, if everything melts that quickly lol B)

  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Guilty as charged! (I brought an infomercial :)

    He doesn't yell in any of the videos we have done so far (the Alpha's) that I can remember. I've heard he yells in Insanity and I absolutely could not do that for my life. He does try to motivate you to stick with it, modify if you need to, focus - it's only 25 minutes...

    Coach - I am with you on that - my knees and my back could not take that. And I use the modifier a lot.

    Amy, I too enjoyed the bluebird of happiness. I think of you and some family I have right outside of Boston when I think about complaining that it is 25 outside and I don't say a word. B) I'm getting ready to send the boys to Boston to help my uncle and some of his older neighbors get the snow off their roof. He said they won't even need a ladder, they can just climb up the snow bank! I asked him to please take pictures of that!

    I am sooo glad it is Friday. My legs are jello from Turbo Fire and T25 and I really need a break. I think I may take off Saturday and Sunday. It's so bad my legs tremble/shake when I go to sit down. I know - it's a good thing...

    Have a great weekend guys.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    T25 does look interesting and I do like the fact that they are 25 minutes. In the Summer, if work picks up, I won't have an hour plus to spare for working out. Right now I actually am up at 5 but do not have to leave for work until 7. It is weird for me to not be rushing around in the morning. For years, we have been so busy that I had to leave at 6 to get there by 6:30!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'm thinking the same thing. T25 looks like a great summer plan. I would prefer not to spend an hour each morning working out when I can get some outside work done and of course work on my golf game.

    I think I'll check around to see if any of my friends have T25. I'd like to at least preview it.

    I hate to focus on the weather at this time, but it looks like we may hit 80 degrees on Wednesday. It is our first track meet so the warm weather is very welcome.

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    I hate to focus on the weather at this time, but it looks like we may hit 80 degrees on Wednesday. It is our first track meet so the warm weather is very welcome.

    Can I come camp in your lawn for a month or so? I promise to be quiet (except during TF workouts) and clean up after us! lol We are heading back to single digits above and below again!

    Enjoy the warm for me please!
    coachreyes wrote: »
    I'm thinking the same thing. T25 looks like a great summer plan. I would prefer not to spend an hour each morning working out when I can get some outside work done and of course work on my golf game.

    Shorter workouts in the Summer is a definite, I want to be outside! T25 looks like it might be the winner.

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I've been trying to get the scoop on T25 from a co-worker. She is a beast. She has completed several programs including TF, Body Combat, Insanity and Asylum. She has also done T25 program to supplement her Cross Fit workouts that she is currently involved with.

    She kind of scared me. She says T25 is no joke. She says in a way some of the workouts are as tough or tougher than Insanity, BUT if you use the modifier there is less strain on knees and back. She's a good friend and we have done several workouts at school together with our faculty so she knows what I can and can't do. She believes if I can do the 20 weeks of TF, then I can do T25.

    We had our first track meet of the year yesterday. It WAS 79 degrees. I didn't get home until 10:00 so I did TF 30 this morning. Not much time for anything else.

    Things are going great. I'm excited and I will see you all tomorrow. Have a great day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    We had our first track meet of the year yesterday. It WAS 79 degrees.
    -7˚ here this morning, 'nuf said. :'(:'(:'(:'(
    coachreyes wrote: »
    She kind of scared me. She says T25 is no joke. She says in a way some of the workouts are as tough or tougher than Insanity, BUT if you use the modifier there is less strain on knees and back. She's a good friend and we have done several workouts at school together with our faculty so she knows what I can and can't do. She believes if I can do the 20 weeks of TF, then I can do T25.

    I'm still not sure either. At least we still have 11 weeks to think about it!

  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi to everyone. Back from a customer service training class in Dallas, was gone all last week, but I took Fire 30 with me and did it every night in my room. I'm sure the people below me enjoyed that. o:)

    Your friend is correct with T25, it is no joke - however if you modify and go at your pace it is great! There is no way yet that I could even try to keep up with the other girl in that video, but I hope to get there sometime this year. And Amy is right on the money - we have 11 weeks to go and think about it.

    I am only one week behind you all - I didn't add back in the week that I adjusted for Dallas. I figure I did a workout everyday and I walked a lot as well.

    See you all in class this week!