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  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I do not usually count down lol Too slow at work and too much spare time on my hands here! It's just my 43rd, nothing special :\

    I totally enjoy my wine and beer, just not having to admit to the calories lol

    Your birthday celebration sounds wonderful! What a great family you have, you are a lucky man.

    Yesterday was a success for me as far as deficit, on to day 2.

    Actually woke up ready to workout today, that is always nice, I gave it my all. But, there really are too many pivots and twists for my recovering ankle right now :o I keep limping along though!

    Happy Tuesday class ~ how is everyone else?
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Happy Tuesday to you too! I'm doing OK here... last week was a little rocky but I'm doing much better now.
    I don't know how much you guys look into nutrition but I've noticed that I consistently take in about 1/2 the protein I should be taking in.. So I had to reevaluate my "diet" last week and order some supplements. (protein powder and a recovery supplement) I think that is what made me so tired/ sick last week.
    Also, all that snow... is making a muddy mess!

    Amy- I'm glad to hear that you are back at it... working through the pain. :)

    Coach- That sounds like an awesome way to spend your 50th! Traveling is so much fun, especially with family.

    @therealgem You are more than welcome to introduce yourself and join our little Turbo Fire Group!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Julia, I have my macros set at 40/30/30 (carbs, protein, fat) as they recommend at Beach body for TF. That seems to work for me. You definitely need enough protein to get through this, and enough calories. If I go too low, I feel almost drugged and cannot give it a 2 let alone the 10!

    The weather is miserable here right now. We have over 2 feet of standing snow and the temps are dropping again. Sunday we are suppose to break a record for cold, boooooooooo! I want Spring!

    My husband is going to have to shovel off our roof this weekend, even though they are at an angle, it is so cold that the snow is freezing in place and not sliding off. I have NEVER seen that before and I grew up in New Yuck.

    Sorry, that sounded pitiful, I am trying to keep my spirits up and my hands warm lol

    Right now, I am wearing so many layers to stay warm that I won't be able to tell if I lose weigh :open_mouth:

    I still have my Spring Countdown link on my computer, we are getting there anyways.

    Happy Wednesday ~ I will see you tomorrow in class!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I also have mine set as 40/30/30. Another thing is I don't eat back my exercise calories. That seems to work for me. Although I measure almost everything I eat it's a safety net for me.

    I eat as clean as possible Monday-Friday. I'm pretty good on Sunday but Saturday is usually not a good day for me.

    I hope the weather gets better for you BeLight. Of course my luck, the weather has been pretty decent in SC lately and this weekend me and my wife are headed to Myrtle Beach and it's going to be cold.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have my BodyMedia goal set at 2500 calories burned per day with a 750 deficit, so I eat 1750, even if I burn more. That has worked for me before, when I keep it under control that is.

    I weigh everything out also and preplan and premake my food for the week. But, like Coach, I really do not do well on Saturdays!

    I set up adblocker on my computer. It is great, no ads on MFP, BUT, I can no longer type in the forums, I have to type it elsewhere, then copy and paste it here :(

    They are predicting -24 tomorrow. I am worried about my dogs, they like to stay out during the day, but even with their straw filled dog house, I don't like the thought of them out there. They have 5 acres of invisible fence to run away from me in the morning if they do not want to come in after their morning "relief" break! And they are stubborn :P

    I think I will see if I can take the day off, they love to hang out with me, seems like a good excuse for a day off, right? Plus it is slow at work, I wouldn't be missing much.

    Have a safe and hopefully warm trip Coach!

    Okay, enough babble, have a great Thursday class!
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I changed my macros to 40/30/30. Hopefully that helps me out. I'm working hard at getting my diet to meet the macros it is supposed to, but that's kind of tough some days..

    Right now my MFP goal is 1460 calories a day. That gives me a slight deficit from what it says I would would need to maintain. Some days I eat back part of my exercise calories, some days I don't. It just depends on how I'm feeling.
    I don't weight out my food, I measure it. I know everyone says we should weight it but so far I've gotten results with just measuring... I do preplan that weeks meals though. Otherwise it's just too tempting to eat out or do something quick that is inevitably not healthy.

    Amy, -24 is just too cold! It rarely gets that cold here... I would say that is an excellent excuse to stay home with the dogs. Maybe they will think its too cold to and come back in right away... maybe.

    Coach that sounds like a fun weekend! Hopefully it's not too cold out.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks Julia. We are going to North Myrtle Beach. The place has an indoor pool and hot tub to enjoy along with a fitness room. My favorite thing to do is walk on the beach. No dogs, no kids, no laundry. Just my beautiful wife. Although we are going out to eat, we are taking breakfast and lunch items. I don't want to go totally crazy after I've been working so hard. We packed a picnic basket and left it on the table. Needless to say our lab pulled it down and ate a WHOLE loaf of bread. I imagine the 2 daschunds got in on the act as well.

    -24 is absolutely too cold! I hope it warms up for you Amy and fast.

    I will have to say I'm feeling really good right now. For the most part my eating is really good but my fitness level is definitely improving. I am really getting some good workouts in. I'm excited to see where I'll be in another 6 weeks.

    Have a great weekend.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I had the most beautiful room. It had a great view of the beach and a hot tub in the living room. We were able to walk on the beach even though it was quite chilly. I know I shouldn't complain because of what those of you up north are going through. We were able to see my friend and his band on Friday night at Wild Wing Café and went to the House of Blues on Saturday. Needless to say it was quite difficult trying to log with a clean conscience. I was good for breakfast and lunch but cheated on dinner. I forgot to mention the room special included a stuffed animal, chocolates and a bottle of bubbly. :)

    My mother and father live in Ohio and they are also getting the bad weather. I feel badly that my dad has to still shovel and use his snow blower. Maybe they'll join us down here someday.

    Julia, let us know if the change in macros helps.

    Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Coach your weekend sounds absolutely wonderful! When we were in CA my favorite time to go to the beach was when it was a bit chilly. I actually liked putting on a sweater and jeans to walk on the beach.. or maybe it was just because it wasn't as crowded. ;)

    My hubby and I just stayed home for Valentines day but I was plagued with a migraine so staying home was A-OK with me. Maybe someday I'll get these stupid things figured out....

    How was everyone elses weekends?
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    My weekend wasn't too bad. Valentine's Day is always pretty low key for hubby and I. The kids called their grandmothers and wished them Happy Valentine's Day. We baked some cookies and I let them eat the candy grandma sent.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Lexi, I've been married 25 years and lucky enough to count everyday as Valentine's Day!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    Lexi, I've been married 25 years and lucky enough to count everyday as Valentine's Day!

    Almost 24 years for us too, that is how we treat it also. <3
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Well I'm just sitting here at school. We have two hours until the kids show up. I can't wait until the warm weather returns.

    I'm really enjoying TF. I will count this as my second time going through the program. 20 weeks will take us till June. Anybody have any thoughts on what they will do then?

    What other programs has anybody in this group done? Just curious. I like the cardio workouts TF provides. I'm certainly not a runner and I get bored with the elliptical all the time.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Coach, I am still jealous that you got to meet Janelle and do a workout with her! Love that picture though :)

    I wish Chalene would come out with more Turbo Jam/Fire kinds of workouts. I have ChaLean Extreme, but really prefer cardio to lifting.

    I am not a runner either and would rather restart TF than use exercise equipment, too boring! Lets hope in the next 3 months something "fun" comes out for us! PiYo looks like way too much yoga stuff, my wrists cannot take that :'( 10 weeks of physical therapy and wrist braces last year has convinced me of that!

    It's quite in here.

    Julia, did you get your floor fixed or your room reorganized??

    Lexi, are you still shoveling snow for quiet time?



    Hope everyone is safe, and warm!

    I am going to follow next month's schedule, but will definitely need to add in more cardio to get the calorie burn up! My weight is finally starting to move down and I want to keep it going. Oh, except for the Stretch 40 day, that might just have to be Fire 60 or 55 :open_mouth:

    See you in class tomorrow, I plan on hitting Fire 60. TGIF
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey there! It hasn't snowed. So I have nothing to shovel lol. I have done about a couple of months of Insanity, the Asylum one. I tried doing the regular Insanity and thought it was insanely hard. Shawn had to tell people in the video to take a break because they were about to collapse. I need to start training for the Spartan Run in September.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Coach, I am still jealous that you got to meet Janelle and do a workout with her! Love that picture though :)

    Honestly, this picture is a motivation to me to work harder in the morning. There was such a difference in the "live" setting. If you burn 10 calories per minute to a dvd, it's almost doubled live because of the energy.

    I have had some good workouts but also some where I've gone through the motions.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have quite a few Tae Bo VCR tapes lol. It is actually how I got into kickboxing. He has some good ones ~ the later ones, at first he was all silence and learning. Later on, he added in music. Still not as fun as TF!

    I also like Karen Voight, she has some great ones, they are dated (heck they look like 80's music videos) but great workouts, again VCR, I need to update my library! I totally recommend Strong Smooth Moves, it is about an hour long and part of it is the strength training. It is a great workout.

    Maybe we could look into a Billy Blanks workout? He is kickboxing, again just not as fun.

    There is also TurboKick, but, you have to be a certified teach to buy the videos. :( I have looked on Ebay, but each DVD is over $30!

    I started BeFit 90 last year, that is when my wrists went toast, it was good, but far from the calorie burn of TF.

    Yeah! Lexi is back, phew! :disappointed_relieved:

    Coach, I must have been thinking of that, because I got my highest burn ever this morning with TF60! I was so into it. I was actually sad when it ended.

    You are braver than me though, even if (like the world ended and she came here) there was a live class near me, I wouldn't be able to get myself to workout in public! :'( Unless maybe I was in a foreign country and no one could possibly know me!

    Cannot wait until I can actually pivot with my left foot again. Do you all realize how many pivots are in a workout?? My brain and the rest of my body are ready to GO, but my ankle is still holding me back.

    Happy Saturday, off to the "fun" of housework :s

    I so need a rest day tomorrow! Oh, and I want to dig out my weighted gloves, I think it is time to add those back in to my workouts!!

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I forgot that I have some Tae Bo DVDs in the house. They aren't nearly as fun as TF though. Zumba is fun but that requires finding a gym that has a class and a kiddie room in my area. I was so spoiled by the YMCA gym we joined after I had the twins! We were in there every day taking a different cardio/exercise class and weight lifting. In one week, I was in Zumba, spin, cardio kickboxing, belly dancing and HIT (there were just 3 of us brave enough to take that class lol).
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I cannot seem to control myself on the weekends, went over on calories both days! During the week, I have every meal planned out, maybe I need to start doing that on the weekends too, although I like the freedom of not having to plan for a few days.
    Plus store the beer a mile away so I have to walk to get each one lol Oh well, it's suppose to be a lifestyle, not a diet, right?

    As long as I keep seeing the scale go down and not start going UP again!

    I was looking at next month's schedule, at first I was disappointed by all the Tone/Sculpt/Upper/Lower workouts, but now that I have thought about it, I think some strength training might be a good thing. I will probably switch out the HIIT 15 & HIIT 20 for the HIIT 25 & HIIT 30 just to get some extra calorie burn. And, Fire 30 will probably become 55 or

    Alright, enough run on sentences already :p , sorry teachers! Off to carve some signs, have a great day!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    -12 this morning for my morning ride to work, I am officially sick of this!

    Almost 2 months in, this weekend I will check my measurements and weigh in "officially" to see if there has been any progress. I do feel stronger and am not sore like the first month. That alone is a reward!

    Although my eating habits are not perfect, I have really cleaned up my diet and feel better. Before I was going out to lunch a few times a week and choosing badly, now it's back to 80% clean and homemade.

    Have a great that is the echo in here, it is so quiet!