TurboFire 2015 Check In



  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Fire 60 this morning ~ felt good to get up and have it under my belt before visiting my parents. My 4 year old cat decided to run around like crazy during the first 20 minutes, it was hard to concentrate, he was cracking me up!

    Great work Julia! Lexi, so exciting that you can jump around like that ~ I am sure your neighbors appreciate you keeping it before 10 lol

    I had to install and AdBlock program because the ads were crashing my work computer, it worked great, but it made it so I could type here, but no spaces or punctuation. When I upgraded to Premium, no more ads, so I could get rid of the AdBlock and now, you poor classmates, I can type all I want here :mrgreen: Oooh I like Mr Green lol

    Adblock was free, so I shouldn't complain, but it was a pain!

    I guess there are a lot of other features to the Premium, just haven't had time to play around with it.

    Started week 19 yesterday and drumroll……..I am down another pound!! 18 pounds in 18 weeks, it so doesn't seem real!

    Okay, babble Amy done ~ have a wonderful Saturday!!
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    I finally am back to exercising. It took a while to get my energy back from having pneumonia. I am starting week 6 again and got fire 30 done before my brother-in-law showed up to do laundry. So sculpt 30 will be done this evening. It feels so good to be getting back on track.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Great to see you again Diane!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Great work everyone! I got in a nice run-walk this morning before the heat arrived. I am not a big fan of hot weather (80+). It was my longest distance and time! I'm thinking I will do Fire 55 while the kids are taking a nap.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'm back. Man, I have been feeling lousy. I did HIIT 15 this morning just to get back into the flow. Appreciate this group.

    Amy, Thanks for checking on me. I was feeling lousy. I went to the dr. and he said it was not strep or flu or anything. I bought some OTC medicine but I had to have some kind of bug. That's behind me now, so it's time to re-charge. Summer break is two weeks away.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Feels great to be back in the workout mode again. Two more weeks of school!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Great to have everyone back in class :sweat_smile:

    Fire 55 this morning, I felt great and was really into it. Probably why I was covered in sweat at the end, perfect!

    I am counting down to my first week off for the year ~ cannot wait to get out and play in the gardens!!
  • jms870815
    jms870815 Posts: 11 Member
    Amy you are doing AMAZING! :sunglasses: Keep up the good work lady!

    Coach- yay for only 2 weeks left! I think the kids around here are done this week. Glad you are feeling better!

    Diane- Welcome back! I recently came back as well. :mrgreen:

    Lexi- you are kicking *kitten* with the running and turbo fire. Keep it up!

    I have been keeping up with my Piyo workouts, though I keep forgetting to come in here and tell you all about them. I've had to switch to working out in the evenings though because I just don't have the energy in the mornings. :tired_face: I'm trying to get my butt back into gear, but I fear I'm going to have to take baby steps... possibly even smaller than baby steps.
    Sunday night was PiYo Sweat. Last night I did Piyo define upper.
    See you all later!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Coach- Glad to hear you are doing better! It must be nice to be going on summer break in a couple of weeks.

    Amy and Julia- Way to go!

    Diane- Welcome back!

    I just finished Fire 55 and Abs 10. So needed the stress relief after my work day. My students are going stir crazy and we have about a month left of school :#
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Julia, every day you work out is a step closer, you can do it!

    Nice work on Fire 55 Lexi!

    Fire 60 this morning, I have to admit between doing 55 yesterday and 60 today, I am sore!

    Woke up to a balmy 35, this is not fair, we had a week of warm weather, was that our Summer? :rage: The bit of suntan I had jumped off me when I stepped outside this morning lol

    Fire 45 EZ is on for tomorrow, see you in class!
  • jms870815
    jms870815 Posts: 11 Member
    PiYo Buns Last night.
    PiYo Core this morning.

    My energy level was much better yesterday, so I'm hopeful. :blush: Amy I hear you on the cool weather.. Its May 20th for Pete's Sake! It's 48 degrees here today..... I think we are going to jump straight into 100 degree with high humidity here, no spring for us.

    Nice work Lexi! It's kind of nice being able to view workouts as stress relief, huh?
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Great job everyone. Checking in late. I'll update everyone soon. I have a meeting with my principal this afternoon.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Coach, have you decided on which school you will work for?

    Nice workouts Julia! I won't mind if it wants to jump to warmer weather at all! I have the first week of June off and would like to be outside for most of it :sunglasses:

    Fire 45EZ this morning, didn't want to, but was glad when I finished it!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'm not even sure what workout I'm doing anymore, haha. I have gotten off the schedule slightly. This morning I did TF 30.

    Well, I will be teaching at the high school and not at the alternative school. A lot of factors have gone into this decision. My son is a senior and is on the football team. I will continue to coach football and coach my son his senior year. My principal feels by coach football and track I influence many young kids. There are many pro's to staying at my current school. I am happy. I wonder if the stress was behind my illness last week. Anyway, here's to another 6 days of school until my summer vacation.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    I just pick a workout each night and do it the next morning, then write it on my workout calender so I can cross it off lol As long as we keep moving, that is all that counts at this point!

    Sounds like you made the right choice, to me anyways :)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Fire 55 EZ this morning. I love all the ab work she fits into this one.

    I had a pleasant weigh in surprise, down 2 more pounds, I finally hit the 20 pound mark!

    Now I can buy some new clothes, right :wink: Or at least dig into the back of the closet and drawers where I hid my smaller clothes when they didn't fit anymore.

    I think 10 more and I will be happy.

    Have a great holiday weekend. I am redoing our sunroom, tearing up the tiles, putting down subflooring, painting the walls and putting in new tiles, that should burn some calories. Plus, I really would like to get outside too!
  • jms870815
    jms870815 Posts: 11 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today is PiYo Strength intervals, we'll see just how much strength I have. :p

    Keep up the great work Amy! I personally love finding out that old clothes fit again, though new clothes are nice too...

    Coach, it sounds like I well thought out decision and I bet your son is happy with your choice as well. It will be nice for you to be closer during his senior year. And yes, stress can be a real B at times. Thankfully its all behind you now.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Just finished up a 2 mile walk with my 6 year old. He was excited about getting to wear my weight lifting gloves lol. I ended up carrying his scooter for the last mile. I need to find a smoother route for our walks so he can actually ride the scooter.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Fire 55 is complete! My 3 year old decided to join me for the finales lol. Nothing is quite as cute as a toddler trying to keep up with Chalene!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Fire 60 this morning

    Would love to see a 3 year old doing a finale! lol

    Sometimes my 4 year old cat flies around the living room while I am working out, cracks me up and totally makes me miss steps!