TurboFire 2015 Check In

BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
Just a board to say I did it!


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Day 1 & Day 2 complete, I am sore but happy to be moving again ~ see you tomorrow ~ REST DAY!

    Which for me will actually include me doing all the cooking for the week, packing breakfast, lunch and snacks for myself and my husband. Must plan ahead or I WILL pick junk to eat every time :wink:
  • angelaklem
    angelaklem Posts: 39 Member
    Day 2 done! I feel pretty good about it because I did not want to workout today. I was up all night with a sick little boy and I have had no energy all day. But I knew I needed to workout and push hard. So I did and now I feel great!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Day 1 & 2 complete.

    Anyone use a juicer? We got one for Christmas. I want to use it, but I enjoy food so much. haha

    After a cruise and the holidays I need a detox
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Day 1&2 done! My back is soon sore. I didn't even know I had muscles back there. ;)
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Everyone - Just checking in - day 1 & 2 done. Did some walking today just to stretch and stay limber.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    TF 30 in the books. I always enjoy Chalene telling me I'm not tired, right when I'm .... well you know. Time to get ready for school and get the 2015 year going.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Coach, I have always wanted to try the juicer, just can't seem to want to spend the money in case I don't like it. And, yes, I like to eat my food too, might feel ripped off if I drank it!

    My back was sore the past few days, better today, thankfully.

    I did wake up last night around 11 with a stomach ache, did not make today's workout very fun, but I did it! Well, except for the dreaded Stretch 10 lol

    Happy Monday, Day 4 completed!
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Day 4 completed: Fire Started Class!! So much easier than the first day. :D

    I also got my first Heart Rate Monitor. I love it! Didn't really feel it and I was excited to see how much I burned.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Day 5 complete! Fire 55 EZ (the EZ is a bit misleading though).

    This workout does remind me the most of Turbo Jam, just faster.

    What is Fire Starter? Is that the new Fire 30?

    Happy Tuesday my friends!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Not thrilled about Thursday's workout. Core 20 and Stretch 40? I'm sure there is a reason it is on the schedule, but............ :s
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Fire Starter is 30 minutes long and it goes through and teaches all the important moves. Be Light I would love to do a stretch 40 (nap time) :) but again I don't have one of those.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Good morning everyone. Had a great workout this morning although I think I need to get into the bed earlier.

    Snowdancer, you'll be amazed to see how many calories you burn with a HRM. What subject do you teach? I am a high school resource teacher. I work mainly with 10-12 grade young men. They're easier to manage than girls. Haha

    Be light, I've been doing a little research and it looks like TF has been changed a bit. At first glance it appears that it alternates the emphasis of one week cardio and one week HIIT. We do 3 weeks at a time or something like that.

    Have a great day!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    edited January 2015
    Do you think they are different workouts or just relabeled? I am curious!

    Ha ~ just found the answer on the Beachbody website: Fire 40 is the NEW name for Fire 45 EZ. Fire 55 is the new name for Fire 55 EZ
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    hey everyone. I have been looking through the schedule and have decided to make a few changes to it to suit my needs. I will exercise Monday to Friday, and miss out the core class + 40 stretch so that I can do my outdoor run on sundays. Hope I don't get kicked out!!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Once you're in you're in.

    I'm not a runner so I'll stick to the schedule. :D

  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    A ruler breaker allowed here? lol no worries, we have no rules!!
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone!! I did the same thing that BeLight did - researched why the difference. They are basically the same workouts just labeled differently. Why - I don't know. :) I just did the Fire 45 EZ today. I am sort of following Coach and BeLight but sort of following my schedule. Tomorrow on my schedule shows me doing the Fire Starter class - but I'm going to do the Fire 30 class (like Coach and BeLightYear) instead. I have done the Fire Starter Class enough over the past week or so.
  • snowdancer03
    snowdancer03 Posts: 238 Member
    Day 5 completed! Feeling a little better each day. :D

    Coach I teach math all Pre-algeba through Calculus. With all the standards it has been difficult but I still love the kids.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    Day 6 Complete!

    I am still having a hard time wanting to do Core 20 tomorrow, maybe that and a 20 minute Turbo Jam to burn some extra calories? We shall see.....
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Wow snowdancer. That's a lot of prep time. I've been doing it 27 years. I love my job and coaching football and track.

    I'm with you BeLight. I don't mind Core 20 but I don't really care for the stretch 40. I will lift weights in the afternoon and jump on the elliptical.

    I have to admit after 55 yesterday and 30 today my shoulders are a little sore. I almost forgot what getting up at 4:30 am felt like. I'm going to have to make a better effort at getting in the bed earlier. I am also eating much cleaner so hopefully we'll see some great improvement and weight loss as well.

    Have a great day.