TurboFire 2015 Check In



  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 45 completed this morning, week 15 has launched lol

    I skipped the Upper 20. I will be getting tons of arm work this weekend. I had a lady in Norway order 100 plant hangers! B) Now I need to make them and ship them by early next week.

    TGIF Class ~ Fire 60 is on for tomorrow.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Skipped my workout last night to finish up my grades but I did complete Upper 20 this morning. I had to use 3 different resistance bands to get it done. My heavy band will not stretch above my shoulders. I have Fire 55 and Abs 10 tonight.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    TF 30 this morning. It's an oldie but definitely a goodie. I can see where I am now as compared to the first workout. I like this workout and am glad it gives me time to do something else later in the day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 45EZ completed.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Fire 60 and Abs 10 completed!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    TF 55 EZ this morning. Great workout coming off of yesterday's TF 30. Tomorrow it's 60. Sorry, but I don't go crazy over this one. It doesn't flow as well for me. Time to get any negative thoughts out of my head.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    Tomorrow it's 60. Sorry, but I don't go crazy over this one. It doesn't flow as well for me. Time to get any negative thoughts out of my head.

    The finale for this one seems extra long for no reason. I space out during this one all the time.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 55 complete.

    Fire 60 is on for tomorrow, it is still my all time favorite. Especially when you get to the second finale. You can see how much fun Chalene is having, she can barely stick with the routine as she is bouncing around and dancing too much!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I love the finales on 55 EZ and 45 EZ. I know the other workouts better and can put more effort into them. I just don't know 60 well enough and still get out of sync sometimes. Some of the moves and music seemed chopped up to me as well.

    I also think it's a mindset. Know I'm putting in an hour psyches me out a little. It always has.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Completed Upper 20 and went for a run/walk/jog with my husband. We live in the middle of our block which is on a slight hill. We walked down then sprinted up the hill (okay he sprinted and I ran as fast as I could while begging for oxygen :s ). We did 5 run ups and 5 jog/walk downs.
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Just finished up Fire 45EZ and Stretch 10 with help from sons. They decided to join me for the "easier" sections of class tonight lol. Tomorrow is my rest day from Turbo Fire.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Great job Lexi. I like the finale on 45 EZ.

    I did something many don't have a chance get to do, but I went to bed early last night. I got at least 7-7 1/2 hours of sleep. I was determined to be at my best for TF 60 this morning. I had a positive mind set and man did I have a good workout. I was drenched in sweat after.

    Tomorrow is Core 20 and back to 60 on Friday. It's ok since we have a track meet tonight and I'll get home late, so that fit's my schedule pretty good.

    Happy Hump Day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 60 this morning, great workout, although the cool down was interrupted by my husband searching for his Fitbit. He lost it last night, it has to be near since it is still syncing to the computer. That means it is within a 20' circle lol

    Nice work Lexi and Coach!

    I will be doing a bit more rearranging with my schedule, but will be in class :)

    Fire 45 tomorrow, Fire 55 Friday and Fire 60 on Saturday, just 9 more days in my personal challenge, so I need the higher calorie burns right now >:)

    Have a great day!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I have weigh ins on Monday for the biggest loser contest we have been doing at school. I will probably add some workouts as well.

    I know I will do 60 on Friday and 45 EZ on Saturday. Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow yet.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 45 this morning. I think that is one of the hardest workouts, physically. At least with Fire 55 and 60, I know that I just have to make it through the first 20 minutes and the rest is easy. Fire 45 seems to get harder as it goes on!

    Fire 55 tomorrow for me.

    I like the fitbit, it is fun, but, it shows I burn about 100 calories LESS during each workout than my Bodymedia. It does even out during the day, but still! I want my due ha ha Plus I know I am going to miss the 25 minute vigorous exercise alarm I have set on my Bodymedia display. It really is encouraging to hear that chime go off, totally helps me get my "second wind".

    See you in class tomorrow!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Way to work Coach and Amy!
    Just knocked out Fire 30 and Lower 20 this afternoon. I have to get my eating back under control. I like food especially junk food. Since it is our Spring Break, it has been hard to keep food in the house with 5 little boys. If they are eating like this now, then we're in trouble once they are teens :#

    See you in class tomorrow!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    TF 60 this morning! Great workout. I have attacked this workout with a different attitude and it has made the difference. It didn't hurt that I went to sleep early again. I know that's a luxury but I'll take it.

    Enjoy your time at home Lexi and it's ok to snack! I think our bodies need it every once in a while anyway.

    BeLight, I am going to look into the fitbit. It sounds great.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 55 this morning, it was fun, I was actually into working out this morning. Fire 60 is on for tomorrow.

    Great work Lexi & Coach!

    Lexi, as one of five children, it took me forever to learn to cook small portions for my husband and I when I moved out from my parent's house. Cooking an entire box of pasta seemed normal. Poor hubby, his shocked expression when we were first married at the amount of food I would cook for one meal lol

    Coach, if you get a fitbit, don't forget to friend me ~ I do like that you can "compete" on the Fitbit site for steps. It also shows how far you have travelled. Kind of neat to see that Turbo Fire 55 equals about 3.5 miles lol
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 60 this morning, I really had a great time, love Saturday workouts when I can have the music turned up and Chalene turned down lol. Really makes me pay attention. It is easy to let my mind wander when I can just listen and follow her cues. Quite different when you have to keep your eye on the TV :)
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I knocked out Fire 55 yesterday and Abs 10. This time I wore wrist weights and I am feeling the difference. Then we took the kids to a carnival. My 3 year old son couldn't make up his mind about walking, riding on my shoulders or being carried on my hip. So I got an extra weight lifting workout lol.

    Cooking for so many people is a challenge especially with the dietary issues and a picky eater. I just cook for the kids. My husband and I end up eating Lean Cuisine.