hzbrf2015 Member


  • Another 2 FET's and both of them failed over the summer. :( Still 240 lbs, so even though I haven't lost, at least I haven't gained. Apparently there's a book called "Is your body baby friendly" or something that may be helpful for unexplained miscarriages. I wanted to know if anyone has read it? I would have to have a…
  • I've been sick, so I haven't been doing anything much except chicken soup and surf couching. I'm so bloated from just feeling icky. :( Where is everyone????
  • I was a bad girl and didn't exercise, drank a bunch of alcohol, and naughty food all weekend long. Hubby had a long week, and I just recently experienced my 7th failed attempt at IVF, so we were both in a funk. Back at it today!
  • 1. Did you exercise? Yes. 2. What did you do and for how long? 30 minutes, walking around the neighbourhood. 3. Are you meeting your goals? Did better with water intake today!! Started adding in some green tea too. I find I don't like it without sugar, but I'm trying to cut down the amount so that it's just slightly sweet.…
  • OK, so I've been meaning to post, and then I don't, because I go upstairs to bed, and then realize I didn't post. So, I think I'll do it in the morning, for the day before. :) 1. Did you exercise? Yes. 2. What did you do and for how long? 30 minutes, walking around the neighbourhood. 3. Are you meeting your goals? Not so…
  • Post the daily updates on the group! :)
  • http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/108773-exercise-habit-challenge-for-fatigue-and-stress I have created an actual group. So, go to Communities, and then Groups, and then we should be listed.
  • I'll make the group. Then I'll add you as ADMIN Snowball.
  • Can we make this a group instead of a thread? I found it hard to find.
  • Ok, so I totally forgot yesterday. 1. What is your motivator for exercising? Lose weight for fertility. Stop my hip from hurting so much! 2. What type of exercise do you plan on doing? I have exercise restrictions due to endometriosis, but I will do walking and hopefully some swimming. I really hate weights, but I know…
  • Hi Vanessa. You can call me Retseh. I have Stage 4 endo, and have been trying to get pregnant for the past 4 years. I have had 3 pregnancies (IVF) and lost them all. Last summer we lost our furthest along pregnancy at 11 weeks. Next month we're trying a frozen embryo transfer from our last round of IVF. I'm terrified. I…