LB5472 Member


  • What else would you recommend at the hawker stalls? The canteens on NUS campus, where I eat most of the time, are set up very similarly to a hawker center. Also, how many calories would you estimate the Chicken Tikka to be? I do choose the legs (no breasts available) some days and they are delicious but I still am not sure…
  • Link to my diary:
  • I averaged about 1758/day this past week. Compared to the past, this is actually one of the best weeks I have had in a while when it comes to limiting my eating. But I can't help but feel like a failure when this still isnt enough of a cut for me to lose weight :pensive:
  • Thank you all for the feedback. Glad to know I am not alone and I realize I need to readjust my expectations. In response to gia07, 1. I do not usually log on MyFitnessPal but have religiously been logging my foods for over a year now with pen and paper. 2. Calorie goals were set by my nutritionist so I believe they are…