This is my basic breakfest every morning. .5 cups oatmeal .25 of blueberries Half an avocado 1Tbs of chia seeds I microwave it all together, packed with fiber that keeps me full for a while. I add Hemphearts, Flaxseeds, and Manuka Honey in a rotation (all at 1 Tbs). As much black coffee as I want.
Great, thanks everyone. I will keep posting as questions come up.
Thanks everyone, I guess my body is just used to many more calories. I will see how it goes for a couple of weeks.
I prefer being outside as well, I pay for my gym membership for the option of other services. Sauna, swimming, weights, basketball, soccer, low impact cardio (thinking elipticals). For myself if I go twice a week I am fine with the monthly expenditure. I get a small social aspect out the gym as well (my job is pretty…