lmlyne Member


  • We all have snacking urges. It is natural and it is natural to give in. When they strike me I think about what I am craving and what I have around that is both good for me and will satisfy that craving. When I want salty I often will pop some popcorn and enjoy that. When I need crunch I reach for a bag of snap peas, an…
    in Willpower?? Comment by lmlyne June 2015
  • Today I was able to keep my heart rate in zone for more than 30 minutes while doing my strength training routine. Normally it is like that for only 15 minutes. I felt like I was on fire....and then like I was going to collapse. :smile: Wow! What a difference in the way I feel following the session.
  • I know too how hard it can be to control food urges at the end of a stressful work day. Remain strong!
    in M&Ms Comment by lmlyne May 2015