ajh2133 Member


  • @annette_15 that is awesome!! Congrats. This is a lifestyle transformation you should be very proud of! ☺️
  • That sounds like a smart idea. I never really understood only working one muscle group each day, but it's just so popular.
  • Cool, thanks for the responses! @californiagirl2012 I am curious, how often do you switch up what you do? Every day? Every week?
  • Thanks all for your suggestions! I didn't mention I am allergic to gluten, so I can't have some of those but will look into a lot of them. @stephanieluvspb never thought of that! Great idea! And to all of you suggesting popcorn, I will have to try making my own somehow, probably get a air popper. @arditarose popcorn is…
  • I don't know if you've ever been on Pinterest, but it's this website/app where people can 'pin' things they find interesting to helpful or want to share, and there are tons of at home, circuit, body weight workouts. They are usually high intensity so they burn calories. Most often you won't build a significant amount of…
  • Have you tried p90x or insanity? Both are at home workout programs that hep to build strength along with some muscular endurance. I'm assuming by free weights being boring you are talking about doing one exercise at a time for sets of a few reps. I love lifting but also find this quite boring. Another thing you could try…
  • Freshman at the University of Washington in the fall. I'd love to join!
  • @Sarasmaintaining thank you for those articles! They definitely help give me some more info. @sazziek thank you as well! I have been thinking of upping my cardio after my strength training. However, I like lifting 5-6 days a week and am pretty well conditioned but try to stay at only 20-30 minutes of cardio as I do it…
  • @DanPonting I'm assuming it's because those muscle groups are bigger? Thanks for the tips!
  • I ultimately want to see my abs. Who doesn't? Haha but thank you @galgenstrick . I know that 25% is healthy. 18% is still healthy though. I think I will try maintenance calories for my age and body fat. I have consulted with my doctor by the way @wanttobefit300 . Because of my genetics and family history she sees no reason…
  • Hey! For both of you I would look into the brand Vega. It is a plant based company who has pre-workout, protein and other nutritional shakes. Here is a quote from one of their products (a nutritional shake). As for the taste, I have only had their Vanilla Proteins & Greens, which I think tastes great, but I haven't tried…