aerchemist Member


  • My best advice is really not to rush it... Totally not what you want to hear. I know. I have been there! I breastfed both my sons. They are 2 and 3 years old now, and I just weaned my youngest. For some reason the lbs just clung on horribly with my second son ... The wt seemed to melt off with my first. So I remember…
  • I am very sorry for your loss as well.
  • The pregnancy was ectopic (the baby implanted on my left fallopian tube instead of utetus). As the child grew, he or she exploded my tube, which caused massive internal bleeding. I was rushed in an ambulance at 3 am from my home tp hospital and straight to emergency surgery and they had to stop bleeding and surgically…
  • Grrr. Yeah it's unopened though.
  • Could use some friends, please!
  • P.S. Way to go on having lost almost 10 lbs!! That's great :)
  • Bless your heart. I cannot imagine. I have only had just this one ruptured ectopic, 9 days ago, and it is so hard. You are SO strong! Thank you for sharing something so personal. If you need another friend, I am here.
  • Way to go! Such a great story. I am a mom of 2 boys, 15 months apart, ages 2 and 3. And I can atest to the pressure moms have now to bounce back 2 days after giving birth. 9 days ago I tragically lost our third child due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. My on had no clue up to the rupture and told me I was likely expecting…
  • It is a difficult loss for our family to endure, but we trust in the Lord's Plan, and give praise for the many Blessings we do have. That said, it is a painful reminder to carry the weight, literally, from the pregnancy that I lost ... And that nearly caused me to lose my own life in the process. I NEED to get back my…
  • Would love some other moms who are trying to get in better shape ... Brand new and no friends yet. Good luck all!
  • Hey, never give up! This is a great first step. It seems silly, but something as simple ad being aware of what we eat vs what we burn is an empowering tool that puts the control in our hands. ... Or, at least, I hope so lol. I am brand new here too and still figuring it out. God doesn't give us more than our souls can…