MoCo88 Member


  • Greetings, Dorado. I've had a similar journey - needed to lose 90 pounds (SW 243, GW 153). For me, the first 40 were pretty easy, then I seemed to be stuck just above 200 for a while. I started working out regularly, and dropped another 25 pounds over about five months. Then went on vacation first week of March, put on 5…
  • I love Flatout Fold-it flatbreads. They are about 100 calories, with a reasonable amount of fiber and protein. Very tasty - some low calorie wraps out there taste like cardboard. I particularly recommend "rosemary olive oil" and "everything".
  • This is pretty much how it went for me, too. It was a combination of the doctor telling me that my weight was my biggest health risk and my realizing that being overweight was holding me back from doing things I want to do. Screw that.
  • that is the most important advice on a cruise :p
  • I am going on a cruise next month, and I am about halfway to my goal weight, so I have given this subject a lot of thought! I like the buffet because you can pick exactly what you want - for example, I will load up on salad and steamed veggies, skip (or take a very small portion of) potato/rice, take a smallish portion of…
  • Congrats! I am 2.5 pounds from halfway, and feeling really good about my progress :-) My weekly losses have slowed, but I am staying focused on the long term. Following conversations on the MFP message boards has really helped reinforce the idea that the key to continuing to lose - and to maintaining once I reach my goal,…
  • There is an online plus size activewear store called Junonia. Not cheap, but good quality and they have bike shorts.
  • I have been using a rental service that is like Netflix for clothing. It is sizes 10-32 (I think). It is not cheap - about $80/month to have up to 3 pieces of clothing at a time, but you can keep them as long as you want or send them right back. Not sure if you are in the U.S. or not, also not sure if we can promote a…
  • I make Buffalo chicken salad (I think I found the recipe here on MFP). Mix 2 T Bolthouse Farms Chunky Blue Cheese dressing and 1 T Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Wings sauce with 3 oz diced chicken and a handful of diced celery. Add more/less dressing and hot sauce to taste. I eat it on a Tumaro low-cal, high fiber wrap with…
  • I usually add 1/3 cup All Bran Buds to 1 cup Greek yogurt and 1/2 cup blueberries. I add a generous sprinkle of cinnamon. It tastes very good to me, and it's a nice filling breakfast. I don't grind the bran buds - just toss them in. I definitely recommend that you try it.
  • I really like apple slices with hummus. One apple with 2T hummus makes a really satisfying snack under 200 calories. My friend thinks it's weird, but I really like the sweet/savory combination.