penfaith Member


  • I would say refrain from buying possessed/frozen foods that you can just heat up and eat. Just keep in mind meat is not a necessity and either are dairy products. There are tons of research that shows the linear relationship between animal products and cancer, heart strokes, diabetes and decrease in bone density. Also you…
  • I find watching food documentaries really help with my motivation. A good one would be Forks Over Knifes
  • I'm 5'2 and 112.6 lbs, I find a vegan diet is the best way to lose and maintain weight. Also find watching documentaries help a lot to boost motivation! Good luck to you on your weight loss journey
  • Great documentary for motivation! Also remember, don't ever say things like " oh I will just start dieting tomorrow" Good luck!
  • Losing weight can be extremely hard, my biggest advice is to just surround yourself in a healthy environment. I would suggest buying only fruits and vegetables for a while or go on a juice fast. Also another tip would be avoiding the supermarket, instead go to your nearby farmer's market where you won't be able to access…
    in Motivation Comment by penfaith May 2015
  • Yes girl! You can do this! I didn't believe in myself until I lost 15 pounds and believe it or not I became vegan after watching some documentaries and doing some research. Anyways good luck to you!
  • If you want some motivation, this documentary about a post pregnant mom's weight loss journey to becoming a model. My motivation went up the hill because If this mom that has 2 kids and a sick husband can transform herself in 10 months, why can't I! Someone recommended this to me the other day so hopefully this will help…
  • When I go through these phases, I just watch food documentaries to motivate myself. My favorite would be Forks Over Knifes which you can watch on netflix. Anyways good luck!