For me, I do 10 pounds at a time to lose because seeing 40 in there is too much to deal with all at once. It makes life so much easier and so much less self defeating. I am happy to help you whenever you need it :smile: I would also say to you; please use your food diary religiously. You cannot correct a behavior if you do…
I say that all the time! My Mother used to say it to us and it stuck. Thank you for your kindness.
You are most welcome. And thank you for showing interest. You've learned something today! :)
I do have a swimming pool and it is wonderful for non-impact exercising. I highly recommend it. However, I am a busy person and do not have time to jump in much. Doing these 5 minute jogs up to 6x per day, has been good for me. I do not count my exercise calories. I stick to my daily given value. So, that is not an issue.…
It is a form of "Hypermobility". Some suffer terribly from this and have deformities all the way up to the inability to walk. For me, I am lucky. When I run on pavement or at a good pace, one or both of my ankles will make a popping noise, similar to cracking your knuckles (the sound is actually gas being released from the…
Thanks for the constructive opinions, everyone. I really do appreciate it. That is the truth. I have found a lot of judgement here and rarely use the forums now. There are good people all around us. I contacted a personal trainer at a local gym and this is what she told me: "It absolutely counts! The amount of calories you…
You may turn off the calorie additions by going to settings > steps and click "Don't track steps" Then download an app like PACER and use it to track your steps.
Based upon your post, you are clearly starving your body of nutrients by not feeding it properly. This will forever and always lead to hunger and binges. My step mother does this exact thing and the older she has gotten, the more out of control her weight has become. She has completely derailed her metabolism. Try eating 6…
This drove me crazy at first. I researched how to to turn it off and there was no clear answer to be found. I tired several suggestions that I had found, but none worked. I am on 1200 calories per day now, (began at an odd 1310) so it is easier to tell at a glance where I am with the added activity calories earned.
I completely agree. Forks Over Knives is an amazing resource.
My friend sells it. It's crazy the money she and her husband make. They are top sellers; good for them, but have you seen the ingredient label? I would never, ever put that junk in my body. Personally, I could never sell it. She was pretty honest with me about how the whole program works. I am not interested in profiting…
Your kitty is so adorable and you are so pretty! That smile. You have a very kind face. I am from the west coast; transplanted from the mid-west. Feel free to send me a FR if you would like.
Smoked then slow braised chicken breast. I'll chop the meat, add a little more of my rub then serve it on homemade fat free rolls. Yogurt based cole slaw, watermelon for dessert.
If you look at the my fitness pal blog, there is a post in there from last week with many slow cooker recipes. They look pretty yummy!
From personal experience I can state that since I stopped drinking diet soda I do feel quite differently. No more excessive thirst, heartburn, my fatigue has improved and I am not experiencing the high-low energy seesaw. I think the biggest improvement is that I am not craving sweets anymore. Before I started drinking diet…
I take the CVS Women's Prenatal + DHA Vitamins & Minerals. Yes, you can take them and not be pregnant. No, they will not hurt you. They have everything a women needs at the correct levels except for some brands do not have enough Folic acid for an actual pregnancy. This one has more than most.
I looked into this diet and saw my nutritionist and naturalist. Both of them counselled me against Paleo as it is not the healthiest diet metabolically nor is it complete nutrition. Both said that it was the 'new Atkins diet' and was simply not an option for me. They recommended instead, a zero processed food diet, high in…
Have you tried completely cutting sugar and bad carbs from your diet for 4-6 weeks? I have a friend who is predisposed to Candida along with her sisters. They all have done this and the condition is kept at bay.
I'm sorry. I do not mean to be a 'know it all' or rude. Intermittent fasting, fasting in general, is not a healthy nor a sustainable route to follow for long term weight loss. I have Crohn's disease so eating is not always an option for me. I can tell you that not being able to eat for even short periods of time, has taken…
Honestly, we've all been there. Just make sure that you get right up on the healthy wagon tomorrow. My secret is to not look at this as a 'weight loss diet'. Doing so infers that you are on a temporary plan to correct a problem (weight loss) temporarily. You have to find a plan that you can stick with for life. In order to…
I completely respect this opinion and the info contained therein. However, in my humble opinion, this is way to intricate for a person just staring out. It was overwhelming just reading it. I felt it to be more deterring than getting me excited to try something new.
The best thing that I've ever done was to get acquainted with what a proper portion size actually is. I bought 9" salad plates and use those instead of regular dinner plates. Now my plates are full with proper portion sizes and I almost never overeat. Through my research, I found that up until the late 70s, dinner plate…