I cannot control my appetite or binging

Like, honestly cannot control it whatsoever. If I'm bored, I'll eat. If I want to eat, I'll eat. I'll scavenge the kitchen for random bits of food and eat whatever I can find. I hardly ever eat meals and I usually will eat probably 200 calories worth of carbs as soon as I get home. I'm never satisfied. I usually have to have cereal and a muffin in the morning to not be hungry anymore. I don't get it. Why am I never full unless I stuff my face? And why can't I control my binging and scavenging problem? I'm not overweight, but I'm not at the weight I want to be nor do I look how I want to. Regardless, my eating habits aren't healthy. Does anyone else have this problem that can help?


  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    carbs seem to make you crave more carbs. if you switch to snacking and eating more meats and veggies you will feel full longer and start eating less. also I know an appetite suppressor can help control it a little bit.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Go see your doctor and ask them.

    My unprofessional opinion is that you need to find another outlet when you are bored or feel like eating. I would suggest going for a walk until you don't feel this way. Also possible you need to drink more water and you are dehydrated, dehydration can be felt as hunger pains.

    Anyways talk to the doc, drink more water ... and go for walks when hungry away from kitchen! ;)
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I would definitely suggest snacking on some different foods. Try having some string cheese along with an apple and peanut butter or hummus and veggies.
    You may also benefit with finding something to do with yourself like adding exercise or reading a book to avoid the boredom eating. I suspect changing up WHAT you eat will change how much you eat.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Which weight do you want to be, and are you now?

    And to be honest....people can give you a lot of advice and info what to eat or what not to eat.

    But it is only you who have to get a grip on your eating habits. There are no good or bad foods. Only eating the right amount of calories.

    When i look at your profile picture, you dont have to lose weight ( i can be wrong of course) so maybe dont worry to much?
  • lovellm122
    lovellm122 Posts: 51 Member
    Start making your own meals. You know whats in it then and you can make sure your hitting your targets.
    Make a list of healthy foods which are high in nutrients and low in fat. Stick to these.
    Eat lean protein a lot more. It's generally low in fat and cals. Plus it can fill you up.
    Fill your meals out with leafy greens.
    Be regimented in your approach, no excuses. Determination.
    Will be hard at first but your mind and body will adapt and it will become the norm for you. At the moment you sound physiologically geared up for binge eating; make the change :smile:
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    We can't be your will-power for you. If you want to lose weight you have to learn how to control yourself.

    I suggest doing some research, finding foods you like that fill you up and planning ahead. Cereal or a muffin is not "bad" - it just is what it is. If that's what leaves you feeling full, then so be it. I would suggest pairing them with something with protein and looking for a cereal or muffin with fiber to help you feel full longer. You don't need to never eat carbs to be healthy - that's just the latest popular diet.

    Also, as far as planning ahead goes - it sounds like you've identified your problem areas already (binging when you get home), so have a healthier snack ready to go so you don't eat things you don't want to just because they're easier. That being said there is no such thing as bad food... I eat chips and ice cream and whatever the hell I want here and there... just I measure them out and make sure they fit in my daily caloric intake. Other people will tell you this too, but a digital scale is seriously a game changer.

    Good luck!
  • brandlefly
    brandlefly Posts: 24 Member
    Based upon your post, you are clearly starving your body of nutrients by not feeding it properly. This will forever and always lead to hunger and binges. My step mother does this exact thing and the older she has gotten, the more out of control her weight has become. She has completely derailed her metabolism.

    Try eating 6 (every 2 hours) small meals per day containing protein, fruit, vegetables. Good carbs for energy- Oatmeal, banana, Greek yogurt, grapes, watermelon, chia seeds, etc. Makes each meal around 200 calories if you are following a 1200 calorie per day diet.

    Doing this, is not only healthy, it also keeps you from getting hungry between meals because you are eating every 2 hours. That will also keep the binge-monster at bay.
  • 1saturn
    1saturn Posts: 95 Member
    htoug wrote: »
    Like, honestly cannot control it whatsoever. If I'm bored, I'll eat. If I want to eat, I'll eat. I'll scavenge the kitchen for random bits of food and eat whatever I can find. I hardly ever eat meals and I usually will eat probably 200 calories worth of carbs as soon as I get home. I'm never satisfied. I usually have to have cereal and a muffin in the morning to not be hungry anymore. I don't get it. Why am I never full unless I stuff my face? And why can't I control my binging and scavenging problem? I'm not overweight, but I'm not at the weight I want to be nor do I look how I want to. Regardless, my eating habits aren't healthy. Does anyone else have this problem that can help?

    Seems like you are using food to replace something. Maybe you eat out of boredom or to satisfy some emotional issue. I got like this with sugary foods at one point. I didn't eat lunch I would just eat a bag of sweets. It was weird. I used to skip breakfast and just drink coffee. I used to crave caffeine and sugar.
    I would have a very low appetite but it would really increase sometimes. I would snack without much thought. Then feel guilty. You could naturally have a hearty appetite (which isn't a bad thing) but eating carbs is always a tricky one. Maybe try to snack on small healthy things throughout the day. Fruit is great for this!
  • KatsuNinja
    KatsuNinja Posts: 34 Member
    There are no good or bad foods. Only eating the right amount of calories.

    I'd have to strongly disagree. You can have a small chocolate bar, or a generous bowl of steamed veggies and dahl - same amount of calories, but I bet I know which one will send you lurking in the cupboards 30min later!

    The type of food that you eat makes a massive difference. Don't deny yourself food and make yourself miserable - instead, try snacking on low carb/higher protein things, do a little but of research, it's what's going to get you there in the long run.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Get up and go do something in a place without readily available snacks.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with a little less carbs, then add a bit more protein and healthy fats, i.e. olive oil, sour cream, etc,. And, drink your water. The protein and fats help keep you full longer. The water is necessary for health. Good luck.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    It's good that you're getting ahead of this now! I echo the previous poster: carbs (especially sugary or highly processed ones) make you crave more carbs, and more food in general. Be sure to eat protein/fat with each meal. Do some internet research on that to keep yourself busy when you're tempted to scavenge.

    If I hang out in the kitchen all day, I'm pretty much doomed to "graze" my way into overeating. Leave the kitchen. Create a peaceful oasis for yourself somewhere else in your home--your living room or bedroom, maybe. Or outside.

    Go for a walk.

    Drink water, more water, unsweetened tea or coffee, and more water.

    Try a cut-off time for your eating.

    Best of luck! It's great that you're addressing a slippery bad habit before it wreaks havoc with your health.
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    Feeling out of control when eating is a problem. Talking to a doctor is a very good idea, and consider perhaps finding a support group in your area for binge eating disorders. Also, finding people here on MFP who are in similar situations is helpful! I have problems controlling my binging, too - especially when tired, or bored, as others have suggested.
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    Keep yourself busy. Go for a walk, read a book, do a crossword, etc. If I get bored, I will literally eat everything in my house.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    If you're not eating meals, of course your body is hungry for a quick fix. Try eating at least breakfast, lunch, and dinner and see how you do. You can always tweak it later if you're hungrier in the morning or at night, etc.
  • limitles
    limitles Posts: 39 Member
    I used to have this problem. These things helped me, maybe they can help you.

    I started eating real meals. I used to wait long periods of time before eating thinking that it would be better if I saved calories and I would just end up snacking and bingeing. If you are hungry, eat an actual meal, not a meal of snacks.

    Adjust your calorie goal, if its too aggressive you will always be hungry which can lead to a binge.

    Drink more water and try to find something to do when you aren't really hungry but just want to eat.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    KatsuNinja wrote: »
    There are no good or bad foods. Only eating the right amount of calories.

    I'd have to strongly disagree. You can have a small chocolate bar, or a generous bowl of steamed veggies and dahl - same amount of calories, but I bet I know which one will send you lurking in the cupboards 30min later!
    Depends on the person. That's why it's not just about whether a food is "good" or "bad."

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    htoug wrote: »
    Like, honestly cannot control it whatsoever. If I'm bored, I'll eat. If I want to eat, I'll eat. I'll scavenge the kitchen for random bits of food and eat whatever I can find. I hardly ever eat meals and I usually will eat probably 200 calories worth of carbs as soon as I get home. I'm never satisfied. I usually have to have cereal and a muffin in the morning to not be hungry anymore. I don't get it. Why am I never full unless I stuff my face? And why can't I control my binging and scavenging problem? I'm not overweight, but I'm not at the weight I want to be nor do I look how I want to. Regardless, my eating habits aren't healthy. Does anyone else have this problem that can help?

    Ask yourself:
    -When I eat, am I genuinely hungry? Or is there some cue, like arriving home from work, that sends the signal to my brain?
    -Can I prepare snacks/small meals in advance if I really am hungry?
    -Can I reroute myself so that I walk, do yoga, or play on the internet when I'm bored?

    I used to be a grazer, but I shifted to meals. I holed up in my bedroom to avoid the kitchen area. My hunger was frequently psychological.

    I started eating more protein and drinking more water too. -58 pounds to date.
  • bintaisa99
    bintaisa99 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi...same hia...but I usually crave carbs when im a week close to my periods. ..the hunger demons set in at that time...I virtually crave carbs...anything chocolate ir cocoa andcupcakes.. funny enuf these cravings diappear wen d periods come. Help... im on d Cambridge diet!!!

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    edited June 2015
    bintaisa99 wrote: »
    Hi...same hia...but I usually crave carbs when im a week close to my periods. ..the hunger demons set in at that time...I virtually crave carbs...anything chocolate ir cocoa andcupcakes.. funny enuf these cravings diappear wen d periods come. Help... im on d Cambridge diet!!!

    For me, it's about three days a month, so I just go for it. Log every bite and move on. I try to have a store of exercise calories from the days before but if I don't, no worries.

    If the Cambridge Diet is too restrictive, stop it. All you need to lose weight is a caloric deficit (excluding health problems).