hekla90 Member


  • Look into the happy herbivore meal plans. I've used these for years. She adds a variety of add ons or lower fat options to meet your calorie and macro needs.
  • Additionally hemp seeds contain omega 3 and 6, which is why I eat them
  • No you're just included with the omnivores not the veggies...
  • Sounds like you aren't eating well at work if you come home starving. Try to find meals with a decent protein and fat balance. I eat a lot of avocados and dry roasted edamame while working (12.5 hr nights)
  • It's winter here so depending what you pack it's totally feasible to keep lunch in the car lol! You could put a note on your steering wheel?
  • Vegetarian here
  • Greek yogurt and hemp seeds- I use coffee Greek yogurt to replace my morning latte with something with more nutrition in it. Also a big fan of Daves killer bread with hummus and tomatoes and avocados sliced on top!
  • Snowboarding! My bum is on point this season
  • Unless you were on some very weird antibiotics (like for tuberculosis) it is a myth that they decrease the effectiveness of birth control. To OP: talk to your obgyn: I'm not sure what your stats are but there is a point where if you are so obese it is not recommended to gain any more weight. Gaining a ton of weight while…
  • I hadn't thought about the luggage and carry on. I overpacked and packed 1/2 a carry on (other half for travel presents) with 3 pairs of shoes, 10 shirts, a dress, and two pairs of jeans for a month a Europe last year and no one believed me that it all fit! Planes are uncomfortable even for me and I'm hella short, my legs…
  • I was raped last year, I'm so glad my rapists were abstinent! Umm yeah that's a very ignorant opinion. HPV can be spread non sexually by the way. I'm curious why you say having a lot of partners is "bad period"? That is your opinion it sounds like, a judgment you pass on others on your beliefs which are just that:…
  • I was asked once not to wear a tank top again. I just canceled my membership and never went back. It was cheap for cardio when there are lots of bugs out and it gets hot, but I like to wear tank tops. Also been the only gym I've been in where men openly would just stare at you. Yep no thanks. Y'all can have it. I took a…
  • I'm quite vascular after losing weight and I think in general the less body fat you have the more visible your veins are. It's very rarely I have a thin patient or normal weight patient I can't see veins on. As a nurse it's much easier to find veins without huge amounts of fat to poke through. Many times people are so…
  • Nope-I got a bit thinner but outside of casual relationships I just didn't want to be in a new one yet. It's very easy for me to find people to date. But for me I'd rather meet someone serious while I was heavier. If I meet someone now I feel like it's more to live up to haha. I enjoy being fit and always have but I guess…
  • Well, the body needs chloride too... Mostly sodium is a highly reactive element and is usually found in compounds due to this. Pure sodium does not occur naturally due to it's single valence electron, But yeah no sodium is bad- unless you like neurological issues and being dizzy.
  • Everyone here is so quick to judge him- you probably just need to have a serious dialogue. Sounds like this is a very recent change. It's obvious food is a huge part of his life something it sounds like you used to take part of and shared. With that gone he might just be missing being able to share that with you- crunch…
  • Not eating any protein or fat is probably not helping you stay full for longer and providing longer lasting energy. I work nights and it's easy to manage because the cafeteria closes (though I maybe go every 3 months) so I just have what I bring. Don't order food in or bring sugary junk food and it's pretty easy to stay on…
  • Unless you're on iv fluids containing dextrose, TPN, or propofol or other drips that contain calories, it's water weight gain not real weight gain unless you're also consuming at a surplus. I mentioned it the other day but I had a patient gain 48 something lbs in 24 hours due to receiving 22 liters of fluids and blood…
  • Eat a meal before you go and a snack afterwards. It doesn't have to be cookies- bring some mixed nuts or something and a piece of fruit for some easily used sugar that isn't a cookie. Also be sure to stay well hydrated. You might want to go up slightly for the day though. How you feel will also greatly depend on the…
  • Probably water weight. You also may have underestimated carries and you probably were much less active. But my vote is fluids. Be glad it's 2 lbs. most I saw an individual gain weight from massive fluid resuscitation was 48.5 lbs in one day from receiving 22 liters of fluid, blood, and assorted blood products. It was all…
  • Depends on the person. I have very low blood pressure (even sometimes in the high 70s systolic) so my doctor dsata I can eat as much salt as I want- but most don't get that free pass. Around 2,000 mg is pretty standard for the average person
  • The only time I weigh greens is it I want to make sure I'm eating enough of them for a nutrient. I way over estimate how much I serve myself...
  • I did yoga frequently in the past and I will say that while it isn't a huge calorie burning it definitely improved my mood and mindfulness which made it easier for me to eat a mindful and healthy diet. I didn't do hot yoga but I assume it would have similar benefits. Maintaining weight comes down to calories in and out but…
  • Probably some water weight and a few grams from the implant itself.
  • Outside of water weight they won't cause weight gain alone. That's usually due to the hormones causing an increase in appetite.
  • Well I also definitely need it but at the time I started it was primarily for iron levels. I used the nuvaring and just skipped the ring free week and last year I had a nexplanon put it. I didn't have any spotting or side effects from the nexplanon except my arm was bruised for a month and since I'm thin it's pretty…
  • I found my monthly lack of control to be a huge block for me mentally especially with water weight so I chose a type of birth control where I no longer have periods. No monthly cravings or hormonal swings and helped my iron and ferritin levels as well.
  • It is recommended now for males. All my male friends in the military are also now being vaccinated for it. I do believe the guideline has changed recently so it might be different. Our insurance paid for my brother to get it as well last year.
  • I would recommend it. I had it as a teen. As an adult I was raped by two men who obviously didn't use protection of any type, I hate to think I could have ended up with high risk HPV from that. While healing from that trauma I made some pretty bad decisions regarding my sexual health with quite a huge number of partners…