OwynDinsdale Member


  • eggs make me feel full, i keep boiled eggs in the fridge :) coffee - i stopped drinking instant coffee, only drinking 'proper' coffee made with either a moka or cafetiere, coffee is similar to wine in that different beans and blends taste different and the roast affects the flavour too, look for light\medium roast as these…
  • im going to suggest something here, running\cycling, my legs are super skinny and toned from running, and it also works your core. (planks and cycles are also worth looking at for your stomach) To do your arms have a look at diamond pushup and a pull up bar might be worth investing in, but have a look online for bodyweight…
  • focus on your progress and your goal, if you give in on one occasion dont beat yourself up about it, use the disappointment in yourself to focus on doing the right thing next time dont let it spiral, you have to take control, everyone falls, its how you get up that matters. if you cant shake the craving, have protein…
  • personally I might eat an extra 100 calories on the days I do cardio but my cardio is a pretty gentle 30min 5km run, not an intense workout, on the days i lift (about an hour and 30minutes of lifting heavy weights) i dont usually have above my usual 1700 calories, but if i felt i needed to then i would, i do make sure i…
  • im addicted to sweets, i just try to fight the craving, i drink a glass of water when i fancy sweets, you have to be tough with yourself focus on your goal.
  • Are you eating alot of protein? drinking protein shakes? protein suppresses hunger.
  • it doesnt matter to start with, as you get into lifting, talk to people, read stuff, get used to your body etc you will get a better idea what works for you, what your actual goals are. tl;dr dont worry about it, just lift heavy things.
  • looking in the mirror and clothes size, im now down to s/m clothes :)
  • you need to remove the emotional connection you have with food, eat for fun? or eat to fuel yourbody? its your choice. food is fuel, like electricity to a lightbulb.
  • maybe you should get hubby on a diet too.