Addicted to sweets

lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
Hello everyone I am new to this and would like to share my journey with you all.. Soo my name is Lalaina I am currently 162 pounds the heaviest I've ever been. I was always into sports I ran track for years played volleyball basketball, pretty much everything you can think of. But after I had my son I just could not shake the weight I don't over eat I just eat sweets I love ice cream chocolate it makes me happy especially if I'm bored. I don't like the person I see in the mirror I'm so used to that small framed girl, post pregnancy I was 135 pounds. And I'm embarrassed to meet up with old friends because I don't want to see the expressions on their face when they see how much weight I've gained. The pregnancy is no excuse my son is almost 4 now and I need help to stop my sugar spree cravings so any ideas or support will be greatly appreciated.


  • OwynDinsdale
    OwynDinsdale Posts: 11 Member
    im addicted to sweets, i just try to fight the craving, i drink a glass of water when i fancy sweets, you have to be tough with yourself focus on your goal.
  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    Sounds easy but I go hard for the first couple weeks then I give in and say oh one bad snack won't hurt then that turns into an everyday thing. How do you stay determined and keep thriving?
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    The thing is not to go hard at it for a few weeks but to realise it's fine to eat treats in moderation. Log everything and gradually you will know what calories are in certain treats so you can get to the point where you can enjoy the odd treat as part of a balanced diet.
  • KirstenAF
    KirstenAF Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in love with sweets, I'll eat sweets any time of day, no matter how I'm feeling!
    Trust me I'm aware of the fact that cutting sweets out of your life is incredibly hard, they look pretty in the packaging and they're awesome.
    I actually stopped breastfeeding by day just recently so picked up weight! Been snacking like mad!
    So tomorrow begins my dieting and exercise, weight loss mission!
    My best advice is, sugar is an addiction, it is hard to quit! The first week without is torture, but afterwards, you realise you don't need them, seriously! Take it one day at a time!
    If you can handle a week without sweets, I promise you, it will get tremendously easier!

    Good luck!!!!
  • phoenix_2103
    phoenix_2103 Posts: 8 Member
    instead of using sugar in cakes, teas etc switch it up for coconut sugar, agave nectar, honey, stevia or something. Instead of buying icecream make it urself. chop up some bananas, freeze them, blend them, done ice cream :D (to this u could add a little bit of honey/vanilla extract/whatever u want which is as healthy as possible). When u go shopping try and avoid buying sweet treats, so if u dont have anything in the house u cant exactly eat it, without running out to the shops again(which u probably wont be bothered with). Don't go cold turkey, start of slowly and hopefully eventually the cravings will subside. Eat fruits.
    Also cut out juices(unless u make them urself :))
  • OwynDinsdale
    OwynDinsdale Posts: 11 Member
    lalainap19 wrote: »
    Sounds easy but I go hard for the first couple weeks then I give in and say oh one bad snack won't hurt then that turns into an everyday thing. How do you stay determined and keep thriving?

    focus on your progress and your goal, if you give in on one occasion dont beat yourself up about it, use the disappointment in yourself to focus on doing the right thing next time dont let it spiral, you have to take control, everyone falls, its how you get up that matters.

    if you cant shake the craving, have protein instead, my go to is yoghurt, just make sure you count it :)

    sounds like you have exactly the same challenge i do, that many of us do.

  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks your really helpful any other snack ideas? ☺
  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    One question for everyone I love tea or coffee in the am I can put honey in my tea without using sugar but my coffee I can't drink without sugar any healthy sweet alternative for my coffee
  • OwynDinsdale
    OwynDinsdale Posts: 11 Member
    eggs make me feel full, i keep boiled eggs in the fridge :)

    coffee - i stopped drinking instant coffee, only drinking 'proper' coffee made with either a moka or cafetiere, coffee is similar to wine in that different beans and blends taste different and the roast affects the flavour too, look for light\medium roast as these will be sweeter, so read the pack and see what it says also coffee that is bitter could have been made with water that is too hot. This may sound quite expensive but i drink a really cheap coffee that I enjoy.

    I also drink fruit teas too, in the evening, these may also be worth looking at.
  • curvybikergal2015
    curvybikergal2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Bsjones2000
    Bsjones2000 Posts: 3 Member
    lalainap19 wrote: »
    One question for everyone I love tea or coffee in the am I can put honey in my tea without using sugar but my coffee I can't drink without sugar any healthy sweet alternative for my coffee

  • Bsjones2000
    Bsjones2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Lalaina! There is an alternative to using sugar in your A.M. beverages and it is called Agave and it tastes pretty good. Google it and see if it would fit your needs.
  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    OK thanks so much
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Contrary some some popular belief, agave nectar and honey aren't much different from table sugar. The calories are comparable the supposed health benefits of switching are debatable. Either portion our your sweets, substitute artificial sweetener, or eat more fruit. I do all three.
  • ALJohnson1980
    ALJohnson1980 Posts: 10 Member
    I totally feel your pain with sweets! I'm currently trying to cut sugar from my diet I learned a lot from the documentary "Fed Up" on netflix.
  • jsancho619
    jsancho619 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with the above.. I wud start with one small thing at a time as well.. Also Sometimes you cannot prevent a thought but you can redirect it.. U will be fine..

    Also it doesn't hurt to pray about it.

    - Jose
  • jsancho619
    jsancho619 Posts: 3 Member
    I totally feel your pain with sweets! I'm currently trying to cut sugar from my diet I learned a lot from the documentary "Fed Up" on netflix.
