RiffsnBarbells Member


  • Add me if you want more friends to cheer you on. Everyone on MFP is inspiring in their own way and I'd love to share in part of your journey too.
  • Just wanted to throw my name in here as a metal head who would like more metal head friends on here. I think I listen to most metal, but definitely less black and atmospheric stuff. Everything from Bolt Thrower to In Flames, Metallica to Mudvayne, Blood Incantation to Wilderun
  • I would love some active friends! I tend to be very active on here when Im in a caloric deficit but less so when I'm gaining/maintaining weight. Seems I lose a decent amount of friends every time (can't blame them, I like active friends more too). I'm going to try to change that and stay more active in general this time.…
  • Albums that came out this year that I like: The Devil and the Almighty Blues (Blues) Vltimas (metal) Sleater-Kinney (punk) IDLES (punk) Stick Figure (reggae) Tool (prog rock) Metal heads and punk fans should add me
  • Absolutely! In my experience when people make drastic changes to their diet without exercising it rarely ever sticks. Lifting can help you retain muscle and burn more calories long term and any cardio/conditioning work will help burn some extra calories while conditioning your energy systems (metabolism).
  • This. I've had too many add me and not interact at all. I kinda stopped doing the whole friends thing on here because of it. Maybe Ill try again.
  • Please add me if you'll actually interact and share (had people add me and then never do anything else). I'm not looking to have a bigger friends number, I'm looking for motivated people willing to talk about what they're doing and help each other when you feel weak or confused.
  • Jane, after all of this discussion, I think you may have finally cleared this up for me. So MFP only gives you calories if you go above the expected amount? What if you come under? Does it take calories for you? Is this documented somewhere?
  • Maybe you're not thinking about it enough?
  • First, congrats on maintaining for a year! From what I understand, your calorie count is going to be off. MFP uses NEAT which assumes how much you were going to walk. Then the fitbit added what you actually walked on top of it.
  • No. A month of data is a small sample size that only tells you about the past and any small variable change will render the information inaccurate.
  • If NEAT (the MFP approach) accounts for you walking already, then adding steps via a pedometer is making your calorie pool inaccurate.
  • You would have the same issue with TDEE - if youre using a TDEE calculator. What I am asking about is getting a MORE accurate TDEE by measuring your RMR (which is what I meant by lazy TDEE) and using trackers to actually gage how many calories are going out. You're kind of proving my point that TDEE and NEAT have similar…
  • I don't think the bolded is true is it? I thought NEAT was basically just non gym calories + RMR (so it still takes into account normal daily activity). If you use NEAT and a pedometer that adjusts MFP, wouldn't the numbers be off? Other than that you and I are talking about similar things. Essentially just using RMR while…
  • That would be fine if we were talking about a week to week basis, but we are talking months. It really isn't micromanaging though. It's wear my smart watch during the day, a HRM at the gym and press the button on my watch to start the workout. Then I just need to decide if I have enough room for seconds or not based on…
  • In the fluctuations of daily non gym activity. If I only use one number I naturally yo-yo diet due to the nature of my job.
  • I can maintain consistency at the gym, thats within my power. I can't always decide what I am doing at work. This is, unfortunately, a problem with using both NEAT and TDEE from what I understand. I think the terms are mixing everyone (especially me) up. Let me rephrase and ask my question a different way; Wouldn't it be…
  • But doesn't NEAT still take into account your daily activity level? What if that changes wildly from day to day? "You can expend calories in one two ways. One is to go to the gym and the other is through all the activities of daily living called NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).” Won't "lazy bum" TDEE numbers…
  • That's kind of what I was thinking. I only eat early dinner (IF 4 lyfe) so figuring out how many calories to eat after most of my day is over is the easy part. Thanks for your input.
  • I get that, but the way that you're calculating it will only tell you your TDEE in hindsight, ie the last 3-4 weeks. Who's to say that will be indicative of the next 3-4? Life is never that consistent for me. I only brought up this idea because it seemed like it might be able to give me my daily energy expenditure on a…
  • But if you use NEAT, you're still using a stagnant number. What if I am very active one week and then not so much the next? Sometimes my job is very sedentary, but other times I'm hauling equipment back and fourth all day. There's a lot of grey area in NEAT and I guess that's what I am trying to figure out.
  • This is what I have always heard and it works for me fwiw
  • While this is technically true, most people that I know who only lose weight by dieting often go back to the same weight they were (yo-yo). I think exercise, especially putting on muscle, makes it much easier to lose weight and keep it off.
  • I prefer "high protein on a caloric deficit" than "low carb", though they can end up being the same thing sometimes. I get cranky and don't have the energy to workout as hard if I don't get at least 100 grams of complex carbs a day. Don't know how you atkins/nocarb people do it.
  • Just got one a week ago for the upcoming cut week (and beyond) I added the last several people on this post. Feel free to add me "piranha420".