Jindeed Member


  • Seitan comes pretty close depending on how dense you make it. The batch I made recently has 30 grams of protein and 160 calories for 5 ounces (and this was a pretty "light" recipe).
  • Go for it! :)
  • Nope, the time you eat doesn't matter. Last night, I had a late dinner that included 1 whole cup of white rice in addition to drinking a banana smoothie right before going to bed. I woke up 2 pounds lighter. CICO FTW
  • If you're looking for more bar alternatives and have a Kroger/Fry's near you, I would suggest the Simple Truth Peanut Butter Extreme Protein bars. 210 calories, 21 grams of protein, and 7 grams of sugar. Even better, they're 89 cents per bar (where I am, they're on sale for 79 cents). The other suggestions in this topic…
  • Dedicated and makes no excuses
  • I joined way back in 2006. I'm not too sure about what has changed since then, but I HATED weight watchers. The point system drove me insane. It's much easier for me to count calories (and for free at that). To echo what the people above said, you're better off leaving WW unless you get something from the meetings.
  • Coffee addict, here. I usually use stevia or sucralose to sweeten (either packets or a flavored syrup) and add 1 tablespoon of half and half. It makes my coffee delicious at only 20 calories per cup. :) I refuse to drink it black when I can have this.
  • Wow, you look great!
  • Goodness, my stomach is churning just by reading the ingredients! Aside from the matcha and flax, pretty much everything in that drink would put me in a bathroom coma. I would suggest to just make smoothies you LIKE. Even if it's solely fruit and greens, you're already getting a good amount of nutritional value/vitamins in…
  • Can't say I've noticed a difference, and my eyelashes are pretty sparse. The only thing that made them noticeably longer (although not by much) was when I was using olive oil to take off my eye makeup.
    in Eyelashes Comment by Jindeed March 2016
  • I'd love to try this. :) Since I'm a little late to the party, though, I'll aim for 15 pounds by June 1st. SW: 162 GW: 147
  • Count me in. :)
  • I find that in these situations, it's best to have a back up plan. For the future, you could try to make sure you have an arsenal of shelf-stable food on you at all times (such as protein bars, fruit, nuts, jerky, etc.) because as humans, we do have the tendency to occasionally forget things. If you have absolutely nothing…
  • I only have a drawer dedicated to tea and coffee at the moment, but my favorite snacks to have on hand are roasted green peas (I get them in individual packets), seaweed, protein bars, and granola bars.
  • I weigh myself every morning when I wake up and record it 3 times a week. This helps me nip things in the bud when something isn't working well- better that I find out in two days instead of 2 weeks. The main thing for me is having realistic expectations and accounting for factors that could play a role in an extra shift…
  • Name: Jackie Age: 25 Height: 5'5'' Start Weight (1st August): 173 Goal Weight (1st September):169 5th August: 176 12th August: 173 19th August: 170 26 August: 173 1st September: Weight lost/gained this week: +3lbs Weight lost/gained this month: 0lbs Successes/struggles this week: This past week, I've been struggling with…
  • Name: Jackie Age: 25 Height: 5'5'' Start Weight (1st August): 173 Goal Weight (1st September):169 5th August: 176 12th August: 173 19th August: 170 26 August: 1st September: Weight lost/gained this week: -3lbs Weight lost/gained this month: -3lbs Successes/struggles this week: I've been sticking to my calorie allowance…
  • Name: Jackie Age: 25 Height: 5'5'' Start Weight (1st August): 173 Goal Weight (1st September):169 5th August: 176 12th August: 173 19th August: 26 August: 1st September: Weight lost/gained this week: Lost 3lbs Weight lost/gained this month: 0lbs Successes/struggles this week: I lost the weight I gained this month- I'm…
  • I'm still trying to get the hang of everything, but my goal is to lose 50 pounds. I always seem to fall apart on the weekends, so it would help immensely to have the extra motivation. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm a bit late to the party, but I did weigh myself on the 1st. I actually ended up gaining this month already due to a variety of factors, but I'd really like to shave it off and then some. Name: Jackie Age: 25 Height: 5'5'' Start Weight (1st August): 173 Goal Weight (1st September):169 5th August: 176 12th August: 19th…
  • I'm pretty new to this site and still trying to get the hang of everything. You may add me if you'd like.