Desk Drawer Snacks?



  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    I usually have a rotation of items, but at one time or another I've had the following:

    Kind Bars (dark chocolate and sea salt is my favorite)
    Roasted almonds
    Sardines in olive oil
    Smoked herring
    Dried figs
    Canned dolmas (the Divina brand)
    Instant oatmeal
    Tea packets
    Multi-grain crackers
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Oatmeal, soup in case I don't have lunch someday, cream of wheat, almond butter (stupid peanut free building!), bars, tea...
  • melissaulmen
    melissaulmen Posts: 123 Member
    grace914 wrote: »
    This is what I have this week in my drawer along with string cheese and apples. P.S. Has anyone tried the Larabar apple pie? Holy Moses! It's delicious! I definitely recommend it when you want something "cakey". 00o20x106xq8.jpg

    I love the nature Valley peanut butter bars. It is like a nutter budder. Yum
  • melissaulmen
    melissaulmen Posts: 123 Member
    I have 100 Cal packs of smart pop, natural and roasted almonds. Plus the following... Kashi bars. Spark. Tea. Fig bars (whole wheat) and triscuits in a few flavors.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I have tea, rice cakes, balance bars, clif bars, and single serving 100-calorie cookie packs.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    My snack drawer is LOW right now, so I only have a few pieces of candy (oops), gum, instant oatmeal, and chocolate covered coffee beans for a pick-me-up. I usually keep a packaged pastry and coffee creamer in there too.

    Applesauce/jello snack packs
    Cans of nuts/dried fruit
    bite size candy
    chips or pretzels (you can keep a small hummus in the fridge)
    teas and instant coffees
    kale chips/vegetable chips
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think if I kept food in my desk, I'd probably just end up eating it all. I bring a couple of snacks with me every day, but I don't keep a bunch of food in my desk drawer...that would likely be a disaster for me.
  • monicarungood
    monicarungood Posts: 41 Member
    I have the same problem, where there are just so many people in and out of the fridge at work that I can't reliably use it because stuff tends to disappear. I keep beef jerky and tuna pouches on hand all the time for the most part, and sometimes Fiber One bars and brownies for some sweetness. I do have a little bit of chocolate protein powder in there too but I'm not great about remembering to use/eat it, to be honest. I really liked instant oatmeal packets for a long time but I always had the flavored ones on hand and then I realized how much sugar they have in them.
  • Jindeed
    Jindeed Posts: 22 Member
    I only have a drawer dedicated to tea and coffee at the moment, but my favorite snacks to have on hand are roasted green peas (I get them in individual packets), seaweed, protein bars, and granola bars.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have some Quest bars and single-serve Quest protein powder + GNC blender bottle.
    ROWDYRIDER99 Posts: 10 Member
    In my desk drawer, I keep beef jerky in 1 oz portion snack bags (80 calories), canned smoked salmon (70cal/servicing), saltine crackers (for salmon), KIND healthy grains bars (140-150 calories/bar), plain rice cakes, peanut butter, natural and cocoa roasted almonds (14 almonds=.5 serving), single serving microwave popcorn, Lindt 85% dark chocolate (2 squares is my serving size), and green tea bags.

    In the fridge, I keep Fage 2% plain yogurt and Key Lime flavored Sparkling water. I'm lucky in that no one else wants my "healthy" items in the fridge! :)

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Unpopular opinion, but as an office worker I kind of think I don't need snacks.

    I eat breakfast, I eat lunch, and I'm doing literally nothing after I eat that would warrant extra calories because I'm just sitting on my butt at my desk and making occasional trips to the printer/mailbox/coffee/whatever. If I'm being so sedentary it seems kind of crazy to not be able to go like five hours without eating.

    I find I'm much more satisfied with my meals in general if I don't waste calories on snacking.

    But, obviously, this is a minority opinion as so many posters here have already suggested a million things they keep at their desks, so feel free to disregard. I just wanted to present another option, that of sticking to meals only and not getting into the graze-all-day habit that seems so endemic in office culture.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    shinycrazy wrote: »
    I keep quest protein bars, quest protein chips, tuna packages, sometimes salmon (higher fat).

    @CasperNaegle - How are those quest chips? I've been thinking of trying them.

    I really like them.. keep in mind far from a "real" chip but honestly pretty good in my opinion.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    edited February 2016
    peleroja wrote: »
    Unpopular opinion, but as an office worker I kind of think I don't need snacks.

    I eat breakfast, I eat lunch, and I'm doing literally nothing after I eat that would warrant extra calories because I'm just sitting on my butt at my desk and making occasional trips to the printer/mailbox/coffee/whatever. If I'm being so sedentary it seems kind of crazy to not be able to go like five hours without eating.

    I find I'm much more satisfied with my meals in general if I don't waste calories on snacking.

    But, obviously, this is a minority opinion as so many posters here have already suggested a million things they keep at their desks, so feel free to disregard. I just wanted to present another option, that of sticking to meals only and not getting into the graze-all-day habit that seems so endemic in office culture.

    yes, but do you know what every single "office worker" is doing outside of the office? Before work? After work? During lunch? I powerlift for 60-90 minutes before work, have my breakfast at my desk, and yes, because of my burn, NEED more cals before I go to lunch. I then take a 2-3 mile walk at lunch, eat quickly and NEED a small snack to hold me over until dinner time. Not every single office worker just sits on their butt. My job is sedentary, but I am not. And this definitely warrants having oatmeal, almond butter and other snacks as I see fit.

    I know you see a graze-all-day as endemic, but for some people, small meals are better than three big meals, just like some people in office culture actually burn calories outside of the office.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited February 2016
    peleroja wrote: »
    Unpopular opinion, but as an office worker I kind of think I don't need snacks.

    I eat breakfast, I eat lunch, and I'm doing literally nothing after I eat that would warrant extra calories because I'm just sitting on my butt at my desk and making occasional trips to the printer/mailbox/coffee/whatever. If I'm being so sedentary it seems kind of crazy to not be able to go like five hours without eating.

    I find I'm much more satisfied with my meals in general if I don't waste calories on snacking.

    But, obviously, this is a minority opinion as so many posters here have already suggested a million things they keep at their desks, so feel free to disregard. I just wanted to present another option, that of sticking to meals only and not getting into the graze-all-day habit that seems so endemic in office culture.

    yes, but do you know what every single "office worker" is doing outside of the office? Before work? After work? During lunch? I powerlift for 60-90 minutes before work, have my breakfast at my desk, and yes, because of my burn, NEED more cals before I go to lunch. I then take a 2-3 mile walk at lunch, eat quickly and NEED a small snack to hold me over until dinner time. Not every single office worker just sits on their butt. My job is sedentary, but I am not. And this definitely warrants having oatmeal, almond butter and other snacks as I see fit.

    I know you see a graze-all-day as endemic, but for some people, small meals are better than three big meals, just like some people in office culture actually burn calories outside of the office.

    Hey, if you need them, then you need them. I'm not attacking anyone, I'm just saying that snacks don't have to be an automatic necessity but many people seem to take them as a matter of course.

    As a generalization, it seems like everyone in your average office seems to be in a constant state of hand-to-mouth, and I can guarantee that, in my office for example, very few of those people are doing it to fuel workouts like you are, judging from the incredible number of comments I get about my gym bag in the elevator.

    I run about 20 miles total either before work or at lunch every Mon-Fri (and add another 10-20 on the weekends) and strength train on at least 2 lunch breaks as well (as well as a 3-mile walking commute every day.) I'm not sedentary outside the office either. I just don't feel like I need the food to fuel that outside of my meals/while I'm parked at my desk, personally. I'm not telling anyone else what to do, just offering that snacks aren't necessarily a requirement, you know?
  • whirlygigs16
    whirlygigs16 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't keep snacks in my desk. If they aren't there, I can't overeat them. I also don't bring change to work so that I can't make trips to the vending machine. It seems to work for me.

    My company does have free coffee, tea and hot choc. I take advantage mid afternoon occasionally.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Do you need food at your desk? I eat breakfast then sip black coffee and water until lunch. Then I eat lunch. Then I sip water and hot unsweetened green tea all afternoon. I go home and have dinner then I'm done eating. Tonight I'll do yard work till dark then have dinner. Do you get hungry between meals?
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I don't know what you consider healthy, but I like to have 100 calories bags of Popcorn and fiber/protein granola bars on hand. I also like Gold Fish Pretzels (but I need to weigh out servings at home first, if I have the entire bag I won't stop eating them).
  • no_day_but_2day
    no_day_but_2day Posts: 222 Member
    edited March 2016
    I only keep pistachios, sugar-free gum or crystal light.
  • iamnotvoldemort
    iamnotvoldemort Posts: 56 Member
    cbelc2 wrote: »
    Do you need food at your desk? I eat breakfast then sip black coffee and water until lunch. Then I eat lunch. Then I sip water and hot unsweetened green tea all afternoon. I go home and have dinner then I'm done eating. Tonight I'll do yard work till dark then have dinner. Do you get hungry between meals?

    I'm one of those people who can't eat much early in the morning. I'll usually have a small breakfast around 7:30. I don't take my lunch until around 12:30, so I almost always do need a little something mid-morning to get me there. Once I eat lunch, I'm usually good until dinner, though.