Razzyirt Member


  • Lol, I should probably re-phrase my calories as King argument :wink: I have no argument that the calorie is the primary reason for weight loss (and I think the biggest problem in general, is most people just don't know how much they are truly eating). I think I more take issue with the calorie "being" King in life, as in…
  • Thanks! And I agree...that's a good one (and one I can struggle with at times!) Another one I was just thinking about (and maybe other people out there struggle with this as well). I gained weight due to a medical issue. Actually, I had horrific luck and got hit by about a dozen nasty medical conditions in a row. And it…
  • Hello fellow digestivers! So...I am apparently in a category of GI illness that has no name. I have had scads of tests, and I sort of fit into some categories, but not really. I have no normal GI peristalsis. None. So, like gastroparesis...but your entire intestine. Sigh. I have no peristalsis at all in my esophagus. The…
  • I so have to do this! As I have wayyyy too much for clothes, but hardly wear any of it
  • I feel yah! I was in a car accident 3 years ago. I ended up having to have several surgeries on my back, and then 1.5 years of physio. I gained a good chunk of weight (between being bed ridden for months, depressed as hell, bored out of my mind...you name it!) It has been a very long road....but I'm finally at the point…
  • Feel free to add me as well, I have been struggling and bouncing around on the scales (I've had some health issues that really didn't help) but just reached the point where I'm sick and tired of being fat and out of shape! Just take it one day at a time. And don't focus on the past, and what went wrong.
  • And yes, I know it can be more complicated than stated. But this is an Internet forum, not a good place to get any in depth medical advice. Just posting the very general outline of TSH, when it comes to hyper and hypothyroidism. It seems like a number of people have thyroid issues, so it's nice to have a general…
  • No worries! It is always interesting to get some feedback (as long as one does actually see a doctor :wink: ) I wouldn't be too worried at this point. There early is no such thing as a "low" end of normal. It's normal. Or not normal, if outside the reference range, I've had a TSH so low that the lab couldn't even read it.…
  • Yes, hypo is low and hyper is high (when it comes to the actual thyroid hormones - T3 and T4). TSH is the opposite. Which can confuse people. The lower the TSH reading is indicative of hyperthyroidism (and having too much T3 and T4.
  • It depends on what the lab uses as a reference range. DIfferent labs have different ranges. TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone. When TSH is low it is indicative of hyperthyroidism. When it is elevated, it is hypothyroidism. You need to speak with your doctor to find of what the reference range is first, but, 0.86 would…
  • Hi! I agree....just take it one day at a time...and go nice and slow. Be patient with yourself. And be kind to yourself. I was in a car accident over 3 years ago. I required several surgeries, lost my job and was bedridden for over 3 months. I also suffered a deep depression. In the end, I gained weight. My first attempt…
  • Thanks guys! This has been helpful...I think sometimes this is a harder psychological game than physical (at least for me!) I get the mind set that what does it matter anymore...which is not so good. I have to look at the positives, and the good changes I have been making. And look at long term more than short term. I did…
  • I know your pain. Thyroid problems do make things hard (and a lot harder than people realize). I was hyperthyroid several years ago. Weight literally melted off. Went on medication and the weight came back (plus a few pounds). No changes in eating habits - I never had to think about my weight prior to this. I was able to…
  • Sent a request! I'm looking for some good motivation buddies to chat with
  • Hi! I have a story that is similar in some respects! I was also a healthy weight, without a ton of effort and loved exercise. I used to work out daily, and actually did competitive running. Then I got sick. During the illness I gained about 50 lbs. I've managed to lose about 10 of them....but it took a ridiculous amount of…
  • I'm the same way! And I've found that I'm stress eating during finals right now :P Feel free to add me to your friends (I'm new to the whole friends thing...but I'm going to see if that helps motivate me more!)