tiffany_yy Member


  • Thank you for giving me the most clear answer! I work full time and only have one lunch break (I can't have snacks in between due to the nature of my job) and then I come home and have dinner. Because of this I'm having to parcel out my calories in two meals, and this is the best way I can eat all my calories without…
  • So currently I'm burning 600 calories in the evening, I thought maybe doing another workout in the morning to burn more calories. I only have 2 meals so maybe that's why I feel full since I'm having more or less 600 calories per meal. It just makes my stomach hurt and I don't like it
  • So what are the repercussions of burning more calories through exercise (outside of my BMR) than I eat? Is it bad for me?
  • Thanks so much for this! I definitely will get the trending weight app. I guess I'm just really eager to lose weight that I'm holding onto any fluctuations. This will help me a lot
  • So what should I do to keep losing weight steadily? Change routine? Or increase workout load?
  • Yes I log all my foods but I do intermittent fasting so I'm doing one meal and a snack, usually a protein shake. Its not that I'm eating big portions, it's like I'll eat a small portion but it'll be something fried or something heavy in fats or unhealthy carbs. I'm just worried if the working out does nothing if I'm still…
    in Diet Comment by tiffany_yy June 2017
  • I just wanna thank everyone so much. I was feeling extremely down and deprecating myself than my loved ones showed concern to the point they had to drag me out of this mood. I'm approaching this journey with a more optimistic mindset and reaching for long term goals from now on. I hope I and everyone else reaches their…
  • Funny because my goal date is actually around that time too. You're right every day is one step closer :)
  • Right now I'm running 4 days a week and resistance training 2-3 times a week. As far as food I'm focusing on portion as its one of my biggest problems. I log my foods but I'm also not eating that often bc I'm so conscious. Rather than scale I'm hoping to have more noticeable changes which I understand will take time…