betterwhenimdancin Member


  • Intermittent fasting helped me lose weight. If weight loss is your goal, I’d recommend keeping your eating window during your busiest hours of the day so you don’t have time to over eat. I fast when my children are sleeping. I’m much more likely to eat healthy and abstain from treats if my kids are watching me.
  • I'm 27 weeks pregnant and have similar stats. :) I gained an unnecessary extra 10 lbs in my first trimester because I had awful morning sickness and had to eat every 90 minutes. Nuts were one of the few things I could keep down and those things are calorie dense! Now that I can control my eating, I'm logging with 300…
  • Not my recipe but I've made this at least 20 times and it's a huge crowd pleaser. However, this recipe is an absolute disaster if your blender isn't sharp enough to turn raw cashews into cashew butter. Red cashew soup Ingredients: ​ 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil or water, for sautéing 4 red bell peppers, seeded and…
  • Ah this made me laugh/cry when I was in a really bad mood. Thanks for sharing! My best NSV was when a server told me she couldn't find me to pay my tab because I didn't look anything like my ID (I also lost 60 lbs). When they figured out who I was by process of elimination she literally said "what?! The hot chick?"
  • My stats were similar to yours when I started dieting 3 months post partum. I started at 188 went down to 133. 15 lbs lower than my pre pregnancy weight! I had a terrible milk supply to begin with so when I suddenly went to 1200 calories a day it dried up. I think it's different from everyone but I would suggest just…
  • Best money I ever spent! Definitely ask around for recommendations. I waited until a friend said she had a trainer that had helped her fix her posture.
  • Orangetheory has its own subreddit which seems to have a lot of activity
  • I went to a personal trainer to correct my posture. Tights pecs cause rounded shoulders so stretch your pecs everyday after warming up. You could also ask massage therapist to massage your pecs and teach you pec stretches. Most importantly, build up strength in your shoulders by doing rows and rear flys so that you're…
  • I did! Though I needed the help of a personal trainer. I stretch my pecs every day and I do rows and rear flys two or three times a week. Building core strength will probably help too. People say I look taller now!
  • If you can afford it, a personal trainer can be very helpful with increasing range of motion. I listen to audiobooks when I do yoga. Not only do I not get bored, I don't want to stop! Also agree with others that warming up before stretching is important.
  • For time of the month, 45 g of chocolate chips = 210 calories and is usually enough to quench cravings without the bloat. For social occasions, make sure you are well hydrated so you are less likely to overeat or drink a calorie dense beverage. Make half your plate fresh fruit and veggies then take a tablespoon sized…
  • From what I've read you might need to do a recomp. Recompostion is when you lose fat and gain muscle while maintaining your current weight. There are tons of MFP threads dedicated to the subject.
  • Starting a new exercise program often causes water retention! I've been tracking my weight fluctuations for over a year, I put on two pounds of water weight every time I start exercising again after a break.
  • Paying for a personal trainer is the best money I've ever spent. The first few months I went to see her I felt so tired and awful every time I arrived at the gym, I definitely would not have worked out those days if I hadn't had her booked. Eventually the regular workouts improved my stamina dramatically and I was…
  • I absolutely love sweet potato noodles with peanut sauce!
  • The key is portion control, which is hard if you have an over zealous host. My in laws are Pakistani and whenever we go to their friends or families houses there is a lot of food. I try to fill half my plate with vegetable dishes and only take about a tablespoon of dishes that looked oily, creamy, or deep fried. I always…
  • Slightly off topic but I'd highly recommend a treadclimber for bad knees. It's basically just low impact incline walking. The treadles move down as you step on them.
  • The bread I was eating before my diet was 120 calories a slice! Now I eat Weight Watchers bread at 50 calories a slice. They're much smaller slices but it improves the bread to peanut butter ratio.
  • Hi Raquele! If properly treated you should be back to your old self in no time. It's totally possible to lose weight once you've got your TSH levels corrected, if that's your goal.
  • I alternated between calorie counting and intuitive eating for 10 months and lost 40 lbs. After calorie counting for a while my appetite shrinks so I can switch to intuitive eating. When my weight loss stalls (because my appetite has slowly grown) I go back to calorie counting.
  • I used to get really worn out by DOMS when weight training. Lately I've been taking glutamine before and after workouts as well as on recovery days. I'm also more active on recovery days (usually 3-5 km of walking). If I do a really challenging workout, I'll take ibuprofen immediately and have a cold shower to reduce…
  • Thanks everyone! @lynn_glenmont Thanks for your comment, I had't thought of that, mostly because when I had this problem for an entire year in 2011 my old doctor wasn't concerned about my low fat intake. My current doc put me on a PPI and now I can handle about 6 grams of fat per meal! I usually get these problems due to…
  • Whatever you decide to get, buy it secondhand! There's lots of used equipment for sale online at a fraction of the price. We bought a treadclimber for five hundred that was originally three thousand.
  • All of these could be symptoms of dehydration! You mentioned postpartum. Are you breastfeeding? If so, you probably need at least 3 litres of water a day.
  • Don't believe the calorie burns on machines! They tend to over estimate. A chest strap HR monitor can give you a good idea of intensity level.
  • Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2) Category Total Weight Gain Range <18.5 Underweight 28-40 lbs 18.5-24.9 Normal Weight 25-35 lbs 25.0-29.9 Overweight 15-25 lbs >30.0 Obese 11-20 lbs Got this from google. You still need to gain weight while pregnant, you just don't need to gain as much weight as someone who is a normal weight or…
  • If you're exclusively incline walking, I highly recommend a tread climber. They have peddles that move down as you step on them which makes for much lower impact than incline walking on a treadmill. My 70 year father in law who has bad knees was able to use it on a low speed.
  • I starting taking BCAA and L-glutamine for muscle recovery and they incidentally also seemed to clear up my constant bloat. I did some googling and found that L-glutamine has been used to treat IBS.