I have a terrible time with portion control too. I can't eat just one pizza I have to eat 4. I get so mad when people bring pizza to the house it's like grrrr It take so much will power to not eat one or eat just one!
Almost Exactly what you did but I didn't cut out dairy. I also had a cheat meal once a week because I didn't want to deprive myself. It was usually pizza cause ily pizza. I did that for 3 months
That sounds really good thanks I'll make them soon!
Wow 37 point lol I ate healthy as he'll and did cardio but my bad chorestorel went up 3 points and good choresterol went down by 2 points
My triglycerides are 97
I got down to 155 I weighed 173. I'm 5,4.
My bad hors My bad chorestorl is 183 and my good is 42 and I'm only 20 my gp told me to start taking statins but idk I'm so young I'm thinking of seeing a specialist
Wake up a half an hour or hour earlier so you can have a morning snack like an apple or banana or small smoothie. Drink some tea or coffee. Drink some lemon water it gives me energy like no other. Maybe just do some light stretches before you go to get your body ready and just do it.
It gives me more energy. It's like my morning coffee. Id give it a go.
I have and lost 18 pounds and I'm going to keep logging. The reason I want to limit it completely is because I wanna lower my chorestorl as soon as possible. I have to start meds and don't want to take them for too long since I'm so young
I have high cholesterol and despite eating healthy and exercising a lot the past 3 months it hasn't gone down. I'm only 20 and I'm just a little overweight. I eat a good amount of cheese and even the reduced fat ones have a good amount of bad fats so yeah.
I think it may have been caused by bad posture but idk
My friend said I've had for a while just never mentioned it. I only noticed in January of 2015 because it started hurting. I'm 20 btw. I'm going to see a chiropractor and physical therapist. My general practitioner told me to get tested for high cortisol and I'm going to lap corp on Thursday to do it. Hopefully I get rid…
Just keep pushing through even when you don't want to and even when mess up for a day or a week you keep trying. Eventually a healthy lifestyle won't be something you need motivation for it'll become part of your life.
I haven't seen one yet. I was kinda hoping it would go away if I tried to do gentle back stretches and being more mindful of my posture. It hasnt. I noticed it back in January but my friend said I had it for a while. I guess I just noticed cause it started hurting. I was thinking of seeing a chiropractor but idk if a…