indoubt Member


  • Sorry, been away for a few days and thanks for your answers. @heybales I hope I hit the same mucles. Though to be honest there's not much I can do against that. I can't get a personal trainer and I don't have access to heavy weights. Thus there's only bodyweight exercises. And whatelse can I do apart from trying out new…
  • So what do you think? Should I go and see a doctor or am I simply a sissy?
  • No, I'm sure it's not anciety. I enjoy working out and I enjoy hiking, despite all. Well... I actually also like redecorating.
  • Thanks guys. <3
  • That's certainly true. A different generation. I remember my granny always complaining about her old bones, but she was still fit and could dig up the vegetable garden, plant potatoes and other stuff.
  • Yes, I understand that. That's the reason why I add some more advanced exercises to the mix. Though if I go towards some kind of overload I just end up injuring my muscles, and not in a good way. See the 'pop' above. Yes, with lunch, camera, two large bottles of water and other stuff. Annoyingly I live in a flat area and…
  • Hmm.. I don't think so. Though what I wrote above about part of my mountain hiking problem might stem from one small lower leg muscle on each side sounds just a bit like it. Aching, burning or cramping pain in the affected limb — usually the lower leg well, yes. In one specific muscle. I'm not quite sure which one.…
  • Might just be. I don't have access to a gym with free weights, thus I'm doing bodyweight exercises, some kettlebells (have 8 & 12kg) and occasionally some big bag boxing sessions. I usually do some kind of circuit training, with a timer set to anything from 30 to 60 seconds and a short break to get to the next exercise.…
  • ok, some answers: 1) at the moment about 1800/day. I think I might not have found my maintenance calories yet. I'll look at it another two weeks and then increase if necessary. Macros are the MFP standards 50/30/20. However, I'm usually over my carbs and somewhat under on protein, and sometimes also on fats. That has to do…
  • Thanks for your replies, guys! I'm having strength day tomorrow and will report back with what happens when I reach this funny failure. I'll also answer the other questions then. SideSteel: Yes, I get what you mean. As I don't paint my living room every week I understand that I'm not used to it. Likewise mountains: I've…
  • Little update: Yes, I think I am happy with how I look :smile: I need to realize that I cannot change my bone structure (someone hand me a saw please! :wink:). I'm maintaining now, though I still haven't found the right amount of calories at the moment. The usual calculators give me about 1600, but that seems to be too low…
  • Well... *cough* spontaneous idea and all... the plant is still there though. Need to find something else to fill up that huge empty space. Anyway, thanks a lot all :blush: Feels good to hear some opinions. I'm sure my head will eventually catch up. Btw, with some of the discussions here about women being pear shaped,…
  • Hey, I might try that! I do like those kind of shoes actually! Thanks a lot.
  • Yes, please do ask here. Looks like we're having the same body issues, though my lower abdomen is not really chubby, and my hips on the side just below the pelvis are actually a bit thinner than that darn piece of bone there. Legs and arms problem here, in my own body image anyway. ;) But hey, I did find some old photos on…
  • Hmmpf.. looking at those photos again I think I should finally throw out the dead plant that's been standing there for at least half a year... and tidy up the bathroom :*
  • I'd like to quote this one as it made me smile big time :blush: Hey, thanks a lot! But the thanks also goes to everyone else of course. <3 Looks like I really need to work on my self image. Maybe I should finally get rid of the chubby clothes and go shopping. I don't know what size will fit and the current fashionable…
  • Sorry all for just replying now. I got an upset tummy yesterday and spent the rest of the day in bed. Anyway, thanks a lot for all your answers. Some of them really made me shed a little tear because they are so right. Especially you, @genki90 I realized yesterday that I could actually wear short skirts, if I find…
  • Oh no! How do I edit the profile photo in the forum? :s edit: oh, just needed a minute to update. Phew!