mistib1229 Member


  • You really shouldn't be eating less than 1600 cals when you're breastfeeding. The minimum range for a breastfeeding woman to eat and still lose weight is 1600-1800 cals daily.
  • Like some previous posters mentioned, I also plan for my evening snacking. I've never really been one to eat breakfast but I usually have a protein shake in the morning. If not, then I don't eat until lunch. But either way, I figure out a way to keep my calories low for the first half of the day. Dinner is more substantial…
  • Just a guess...but I'm assuming if she were a registered dietitian/nutritionist then it would say that specifically. My sister is a registered dietitian and from what I've been told and witnessed, they make a point to emphasize the "registered dietitian" part to separate themselves from the "nutritionist/nutrition coach"…
  • Seriously. You can buy a huge container of whey protein and mix it with whatever the hell you feel like. I think I paid around $30 for the one I have currently. And you'll actually know what you're drinking. I usually do a protein shake in the morning because I don't like eating breakfast but need some sustenance before my…
  • Yes. I'm also breastfeeding my 5 month old son. This is my second baby. First I was adding breastfeeding as an "excercise" but I got tired of having to do that everyday so I just added the additional calories to my daily goal set by mfp. I'm not sure what mfp gave you as a daily calorie goal but make sure that once you add…
  • Ahhh, this literally made me laugh out loud.
  • I second the hasfit program! I love that it's quick and targets the specific area. All of their videos are great though :)
  • I do a protein shake in the mornings simply because I am not a breakfast-eater by nature. Before I started getting healthy and working out I just didn't eat until lunch. So I actually added in a protein shake because I needed the energy. But I make my own. I do a scoop of chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, 1 cup milk and…
  • Hi! Looks like you're my twin :) I'm 5'10" CW: 160 GW: 135 BF: 28% :( I hate working out too! Been forcing myself lately :)
  • I like the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workouts. I haven't tried any of her others but I've heard good things. You can watch them free online and they're only like 20 minutes. With a 5 month old, an older child, and everything else I've got going on -- 20 minutes is actually doable for me. Plus I feel like it's a pretty…
  • Forgot to mention, I'm not sure what happened when I formatted this before but the nutritional info is probably off at least on some of these. Sorry :/
  • This is from my sister. She's a nutritionist. I'm not a big breakfast eater by nature so the Protein shake is my personal favorite :)
  • I haven't personally found any protein powder that tastes good enough to just mix with a liquid and drink. I do a scoop of chocolate powder, 1 cup milk, a half or full banana, and 1-2 tbs of peanut butter. It's pretty tasty!
  • Your body should in a position that's more similar to a wall sit. You're leaning your upper body way too far forward. The correct form actually feels really awkward until you get accustomed to it. Maybe practice by doing some wall sits for awhile first?