Breastfeeding & Number of Calories per Day

Hello there!

I am currently breastfeeding my 3 month old son but want to start losing weight as well. I've read that if you're breastfeeding you need to factor in an additional 500 calories a day. Should I add this to the # of calories that myfitness pal has allocated for me each day? I know I need to up my calories slightly because I'm breastfeeding but just don't know by how much. I want to make sure I maintain enough calories to continue breastfeeding.

Is anyone else going through as well this right now? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)

Thank you for your help!


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Yes, if your son's only nutrition is breastfeeding than add 500 to the calories MFP has set for you.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    Just be sure to make those calories are up your protien. You can also add breastfeeding as an exercise so it will subtract the calories
  • mistib1229
    mistib1229 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes. I'm also breastfeeding my 5 month old son. This is my second baby. First I was adding breastfeeding as an "excercise" but I got tired of having to do that everyday so I just added the additional calories to my daily goal set by mfp. I'm not sure what mfp gave you as a daily calorie goal but make sure that once you add in the breastfeeding calories you're at a total of no less than 1600 daily. That's bare minimum for a breastfeeding woman.
  • supermandeadpool
    supermandeadpool Posts: 2 Member
    Going through the same thing! My baby's 3 months old as of today! When's you're little ones birthday? I added the amount to my daily intake and am adding breastfeeding as an exercise that way I can make sure I'm eating enough. I didn't realize until I started tracking how HARD it is to get ENOUGH calories. I think that was why I put on weight, my body was pulling from reserves to feed baby and putting itself in starvation mode so it started saving every extra bit it got!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    There's actually a food entry for breastfeeding. When you are in your food diary, you can search for a food - just do a search for "breastfeeding" and a bunch of options will come up. Make sure it is giving you an extra 500 calories every day. I noticed that some of the entries don't work correctly, and they subtract 500 calories from your calorie totals... don't use those! I just add it in at breakfast every day.

    Good luck!! My baby is 6 months old, I started back with MFP when he was 1 month and I've lost 50 pounds since then. :)
  • defatify
    defatify Posts: 41 Member
    mistib1229 wrote: »
    make sure that once you add in the breastfeeding calories you're at a total of no less than 1600 daily. That's bare minimum for a breastfeeding woman.

    This! Eating too few calories can mess with your supply. Make sure you're drinking plenty too. Congrats on the new little one and good luck with breastfeeding!
  • WinterSkies
    WinterSkies Posts: 940 Member
    Once your baby has started solids and is nursing less, you can drop down the number of calories that you add. I'm nursing my 10 month old, and I add an extra 300 calories per day to account for that. It's been working fine for me - losing about 1.5lb/week :)
  • ada_w
    ada_w Posts: 5 Member
    I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old. I add 450 calories for breastfeeding to my 1250 calorie goal. I try to do moderate exercise daily and log everything I eat. I never overeat my calories -- but I don't lose a single pound :( Starting to feel discouraged.. Any ideas on how to overcome plateau while nursing?
  • chazallc
    chazallc Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone who answered!!! It's so nice to have support out here from all the breast feeding mamas :) I think I'm right on track. Thank you thank you!!
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    ada_w wrote: »
    I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old. I add 450 calories for breastfeeding to my 1250 calorie goal. I try to do moderate exercise daily and log everything I eat. I never overeat my calories -- but I don't lose a single pound :( Starting to feel discouraged.. Any ideas on how to overcome plateau while nursing?

    Listen to your body but yoy may want to not add in 450 calories because yoy want to burn more than you eat to lose weight (rather than be exercise or breastfeeding)..easiest when hungry but be sure its high protien and healthy. You want to cut back on carbs also.
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm nursing my 9 month old and just starting to track again. I lost 20 lbs after birth, but gained 15 back over the past six months
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Hmm, my comment was partially eaten by the internet...

    Baby is 9 months and 19 lbs, nurses 7-8 times in each 24 hour period, eats some other foods but is more of a grazer. Calorie ideas?

    I'm wanting to track food and pick up a kettle bell! Has anyone else used kettle bells? Or actually lost baby weight? Haha. Please feel free to add me, nursing mamas!