madpiratebippy Member


  • Booty gains. I have a three inch wide dent on the bottom of both butt cheeks from where the glute has gotten higher and tighter, and the sides of the butt cheek are right where they have always been, making my *kitten* look kind of like it has bulldog jowls. A good look for a pupper, not so much for my rear end. I must…
  • Thanks for the suggestions on the professionals, guys, and I see where you are coming from, I have been there, done that. I usually just end up incredibly pissed off, or I have my time completely wasted. Like the nice nutritionist who told me to shoot for 60g of carbs/meal. She was a a freaking diabetes counsellor. Her…
  • I try to start my day, whatever the meal, with a teaspoon to tablespoon of high quality coconut oil. It really does seem to help keep satiety high through the day. I work next to a bakery case and I know if I'm hungry, it's carb time, so I work REALLY hard at never letting myself get hungry.
  • I have lost 80+ pounds, so when people try to tell me not to eat how I am eating, I can very easily just say, well, what I am doing let me loose over 80 pounds, so it's working for me! When co-workers have tried to give me snacks I look sad, like a puppy that knows you have the stick but you won't throw it. "Oh, I'd love…
  • They are pretty amazing tools. I'd suggest that you check out Tracy Reifkind's stuff- it's really excellent for people who are just getting started with kettlebells. If you want some more advanced KB stuff, a guy by the name of Pavel Tsatsuline is a great place to go. If you can, I'd say go to a gym that has a few and…
  • Yes. I find it amusing how much of this thread is guys posting yes or no based entirely on gender, and sometimes messing it up. :D
  • Ish. I've done my own work on my own and have a physician friend who I talk through stuff with on occasion. but since a lot of my problems come down to control from people in authority positions- especially crazy parent stuff and coaches- grabbing someone in a coach/counselor position usually just restarts the resistance…
  • Yes. Never did really give a damn unless it was a kiddo needing a parent, then I just wondered why the little human could not KNOCK and took care of the kid. HYE done a backflip?
  • Yeah, but zero change in over a year means you're just not paying attention. :D Now that I'm not being a slacker and actually measuring things and paying attention to my health, I'm sure I'll start seeing results again. Funny how that works- that you get nowhere unless you work at it!
  • I did absolutely zero food or calorie tracking, I think that's why I stalled for over a year. There was also a bit where I didn't weight myself and didn't track anything in any other way, and not surprisingly, I got no results from that period of time. :# I'm hoping the myfitnesspal tool, since I am actually having fun…
  • Oh, goals- I found I have a much easier time reaching them if I break them into steps and the ultimate goal. Weight:* Steady state around 220 * Loose another 20 lbs, be in Onederland for the first time since high school * Reach long-term goal weight of 180, reasses there (between the weight lifting and my huge bones, that…
  • Meat salads. Salad + meat + dressing gives me enough food to feel full (mmm, veggies), low enough in carbs I don't have to worry about it (recovering from pancreatic organ failure, my response to carbs is crazy, not a low carb nazi in general, I have specific health issues around digesting carbs), and high enough in fat to…
  • When I used them regularly, people would stop me in the street and tell me how gorgeous my complexion was. I haven't gotten a compliment like that in ages, about a month after I stopped being a member at the gym where I had access to a sauna. :( I loved them, but I have super dry skin, and the oils in my skin are basically…