mjsteed Member


  • Yeah thanks for those I'll give them a go! I'm UK based but out in the sticks so my nearest walk in would be the hospital. I'll wait it out until Monday as hope I don't see the same doctor that sent me to A+E :o
  • I've got to make an appointment on Monday. I originally went to my gp as I thought I had an ear infection and he sent me to A+E because my heart rate was rapid. I was knew I was right when I said it was to do with me ears :p
  • No I was hospital admitted due to rapid heart rate and dizziness. Have to wait for a referal to ENT. All I got given was some medication to ease the symptoms :(
  • Hi i've been on here on and off for the last year and needing motivation and support! I've got a 1st to lose that i've managed to put on over the course of a year. I too struggle with exercise due to on going problems with my right foot. I'm Ipswich :) feel free to add me too