hopemae2 Member


  • I feel your pain. I've been an athlete all my life. Then I got her at work and had to have a back surgery. It took me a long time to come back from it but now I can do almost everything that I used to do I just have to watch how I do it. Feel free to add :-)
  • Support of is huge. You can friend me
  • I've done food plans with carbs and I've done diets with low-carb high-fat's, (Keto diets).... i'm not here to argue one way or the other I like them both for different reasons and it just depends on what I'm doing. I think for people that are just getting into weight loss and aren't doing it to do some sort of body…
  • Here's another websight I found helpful http://fittobepregnant.com/2014/02/07/postpartum-diet-exercise-plan-breastfeeding/
  • If you're looking for a sugar substitute, I would try stevia. It is plant-based and all natural. You can also try Monk fruit. If you decide to go this way try to stick with liquid form, because it doesn't have the anti-caking agent inside of it that all packaged sweeteners carry. Aspartame is pretty bad for you. A lot of…
  • Thank you for the good advice :-) and it is nice to hear that I'm not alone.this can be the most rewarding time of life and also the most challenging. I find it is important to find the support system that supports each other and understand each other. Horrorfox thank you for the insight. I do agree Prenatals are huge and…