Dlane72 Member


  • I walked a little over a mile today walking around a small lake near my house. (which is really something for me) And spent the afternoon painting my deck. I'm pooped! But happy :smile:
  • eradicate
  • She brings her own sunshine wherever she goes.
  • I weigh myself every morning even though I know weight can fluctuate. Emotionally, I wouldn't recommend it because if I gain it can really discourage me to the point of wanting to give up. Have to try and keep it all in perspective.
  • So true, furitydelicious! "Food is everywhere!" And I heard it pointed out this week that, unlike other addictions, this one your body HAS TO HAVE 3 times a day. Which makes it even harder to deal with! I'm finding that losing weight is like being on a tightrope every day...balance balance balance!
  • I've realized today that moments of disappointment are my weakness. Like today the scale went backwards and I seriously feel so sad, and then like eating everything in the house in a "why even try" fit. What a baby, going to do my best not to give in...maybe go clean out my closet instead and regroup.
  • Great challenge! I'll join you :)
  • I've switched to skim milk. Family is giving me that 'ewww' look, but I don't care I think it's great :)
  • Be good to yourself when, nobody else will Oh be good to yourself!
  • Hi - I'm 43, 5'/187 lbs Would like to be 135.
  • Sounds like you are up and running! WTG I love your idea of a Vision Board being that I am a super visual person I think that's something I'd like to try. Again to day at the grocery store I was reminded that eating a small healthy snack before I go is so key for me! Otherwise I am bombarded with temptation! Great luck on…
  • Hi everyone - 43 here, and definitely feeling/looking frumpy blah. Feel free to add me - I can use all the moral support I can get...needing to lose more than 50lbs is a big mountain to climb alone. I still feel like I could be fabulous in my 40's but all this weight really holds me back. I've recently realized that my…