DoubleG2 Member


  • I started at 54 when I saw a skinny fat man staring back at me in the mirror and a crazy number on the scale. So, I began at the beginning - using MFP to determine a plan, weighing/tracking everything that I ate; focusing on adding enough protein, beginning a progressive and structured lifting program, making sure to get…
  • You probably want to manage your expectations a bit. It would be helpful to have details: current weight, age, height, etc. But generally speaking, @quiksylver296 is correct, managing your nutrition by carefully weighing/logging your food with a focus on protein; and resistance training using a progressive lifting program…
  • Up at 5:45. Make coffee. Feed pets. Drink coffee black. Check work email. Grab gym bag and head to the gym before 6:30. Mon - Fri., rain or shine, dark or light, hot or cold.
  • It's a personal choice. Mostly I work out in a fasted state - BUT if I decide to go on a longer run (:60 or more) I find my performance is much better if I have a banana or something small. YMMV.
  • Weight loss is not linear and it is not uncommon to see large swings as the body retains and sheds water. If you're weighing in once per week, you may have happened to measured on a day/time where you retained some water. Assuming you are logging accurately, follow the plan MFP has laid out for you. It's better to lose…
  • 5 M- F push/pull split alternating weekly focusing on foundational lifts with some accessory work.
  • I'm 6'4". At my heaviest I was 210. Currently, I'm maintaining at 187 - 190. I got as low as 180, but did not like how I felt being so lean. I began lifting 4 years ago and that has significantly changed my body composition. I would estimate I'm roughly 15% body fat based on the mirror. As an older dude, I can't strongly…
  • Depends on the surface. Trail shoes may provide enough stability if the snow is fresh powder; they also work well on hard-packed snow. Anything remotely icy, Yaktrax are the way to go. Regardless, you'll need to slow your pace.
  • You already know the answer - but have not made the decision to move forward. Validation to lose weight will come from within you, not random people on internet. For what it's worth: You SHOULD begin logging EVERYTHING you consume; starting TODAY. MFP makes it extremely convenient to log your food with a few clicks/taps.…
    in Due Comment by DoubleG2 December 2021
  • If I found myself in your situation, I would have an honest conversation with my wife. I would be clear that this level of consumption is not healthy nor sustainable. I would explain that my health and fitness is a priority for me so I can be with her for a long time. You can control how you respond to the situation. Log…
  • @Chieflrg That's a very rational explanation. Thanks for taking the time to respond. It makes total sense.
  • I'm a sample size of one - I didn't know what I didn't know when I began. To be fair; I'm super goal oriented so having a roadmap allowed me to focus on each workout. OP may benefit from the same structured approach - at least initially.
  • Some good body weight options here: You'll do better with a structured program than rolling your own. Persistence and consistency are key. I like the idea of adding dumbbells too. You can replicate most of the…
  • Congrats on making the decision to go to the gym. Check out the Gaining Weight and Body Building forum - there are many excellent posts and experienced lifters to bounce ideas off of. The idea of going to the gym can be intimidating with all of the machines, and noise and people working out. But, it is so rewarding. My two…
  • A Fun Size Snickers is 80 cal. I just had one. I may have another one!
  • Many issues may cause knee pain. You didn't specify where on the knee - patella, anterior, interior. Your primary care doc is your best, first option for the correct diagnosis and you'll likely be referred to a PT. I inferred from your post you run daily. How long have you been running? Is running relatively new for you?…
  • Better than bloody nipples! Years ago I ran a half marathon in a new white singlet. By the time I crossed finish line said singlet looked like a crime scene. Never had the issue before or since. I believe the cause was the unique weave of the fabric.
  • I'm the guy that provides a wide berth when passing and announces 'on your left'. Some of the trails I run have sections that are pretty desolate and I am surprised at the number of women who run with ear buds and music full blast. If I can hear your tunes when I'm behind you, there is no way you can hear me. I'm also a…
  • Follow a training plan - I like Higdon's: You're right on the edge of not having enough time to train properly. You should also consider continuing to cross-training on your 'rest' days.
  • You don't necessarily need to lose weight - at your current height and weight, you are in a healthy BMI range. However, you could consider recomp: You didn't specify what type of workout you do, but recomp…
  • As I recall from your previous posts, you're a sub 3:30 marathoner - which for us mere mortals is pretty gazelle-like. From my experience as a much slower runner (race pace ~7:45/min for anything shorter than 10 miles) the 5 primary compound lifts have been a revelation. Improved running mechanics likely due to stronger…
  • I would not focus on speed. Personally, I would have you get at least one half-marathon under your belt before attempting a full. You're still building a base of fitness and the old adage you have to go slow to go fast is true. Quality long slow distance runs will help your base, but you should be following a plan. I like…
  • I wouldn't worry about being 'skinny fat, you're 18. Think about your goals. In the meantime, 6'4"; 195 is in the range of a healthy BMI. I don't think I would cut weight - but a progressive lifting program will add mass in the right places. Here's a great resource to explore:…
  • Log elapsed time under Cardio > Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) Note that lifting will not net a significant calorie burn - though there are many many benefits. If weight loss is one of your primary goals, adding cardio will help (walking, running, rowing, etc.) I would definitely consider a structured…
  • Eat at maintenance or a VERY slight deficit and run a structured lifting program. If you're a relatively novice lifter, something like Strong Lifts 5X5 may be a good option for you. Lot of great info here: Recomp takes…
  • If you're a novice runner - I would encourage spending the next month focusing on building your fitness base, which means managing the number and intensity of runs. Realistically, it take months to build a solid base. Your pace should be conversational, i.e., you can carry on a conversation with a running partner without…
  • Start here: You'll find a structured lifting program will yield better results than making it up as you go along. Rest and recovery days are important especially when beginning. You can mix up strength and cardio - but it…
  • Yes - very common. You are experiencing DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness. Hydrate and light movement or gentle exercise to aid in recovery. Rest is important especially as you're beginning. You probably don't want to workout back to back days. Are you following a guided exercise plan or making it up as you go along?