jfitnessguru Member


  • We all go through our share of rough days in the gym. I've had my share recently but i still will give it 100 percent. I always remind myself that i will never get these training sessions back if i quit mid way during the workout or decide not to show up at all. Reminding myself of that helps me dig deeper when I'm feeling…
  • I second this as well when trying to lose weight it comes from being in a caloric deficit. To add to the other suggestions, you can also Google "full body workout routines for beginners". Best of luck to you OP!
  • Sounds like you're brand new to lifting there's no need to split up the sets throughout the day nor complete that many sets as a beginner. I've witnessed lifters in the beginning stages of weight training do well following a full body routine 3-4 days a week. You can complete 2 sets with a rep range of 6-8 or 8-10. You can…
  • love butter i normally use unsalted grass fed butter on occasion i get the salted one depending on cost helps keep my fat intake up
  • I use PES Select Protein. I absolutely love it, tastes great. It's a whey + casein blend. My go to flavors are snickerdoodle and blondie.
  • For grip strength i would normally do farmers walk carries with dumbbells or simply train without gloves that will gradually increase your grip strength overtime. From time to time i use chalk or straps when i do DL or rack pulls but i love the feel of the bar without use of chalk or straps. Have patience your grip…
  • i wonder what the OP eats throughout the day since he's only getting 1200 cals :s
  • Weight training will definitely boost your results that you're seeking. In the beginning stages of weight training you will be able to achieve some great gains in lean muscle rather quickly if you train properly. Remember if you want to further build some quality muscle you're going to have to restructure your…
  • Nothing else needs to be said just read above. You won't lose fat in just one specific area on your body you will lose it from all over.
  • Agree completely with the poster above weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. It's not a necessity to weigh yourself multiple times a day you're only going to stress yourself which will raise your cortisol. You don't want that!! Personally i would weigh myself without clothes. This will…
  • Definitely agree with the poster above. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!!! As long as your within your caloric range and haven't exceeded your targets you have nothing to worry about enjoy the meal. IMO cheat meals are beneficial in a diet especially if you have been dieting for 24+ weeks.
  • There's many different ways to skin a cat. If the low carb approach is working for you stick with it if not you may need to switch things up. Sounds like you may need to give your system a rest. You may need to go on a temp diet break. Boost your carbs back up in the 100-200g range for 2 wks or so once your body adjust to…