I'm 26 and a positive person. I'm only on day two but definitely in need of support girl power !
Thank you, me too I feel since I am a morning person this is best for me ,I think I might throw in a light walk at night too
Thanks for the advice I found it easier to workout this morning than I did last night , being so busy and their is always something to do I kept pushing it back so I worked out later than I wanted . thanks
Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna look into the protein shakes too
My days are really busy too, thanks for the advice
Thanks ScubaSteve that's what I'm going to Do .
Thanks guys it's really a debated topic . I have people who are super fit that say morning because it keeps you alert and happy and I have my fit friends saying night because when you sleep afterwards you let your body rest .
Hi Good luck , I want to loose 40 pounds too but I'm gonna focus on just 20 . you can do it!