Workout Morning or Night?

Hi today is my first day to calorie counting and exercise so when is "the best" time to work out . if there is such a thing. Its about 50/50 from the people I asked ,I want to know so I can get this right. Thanks


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Best time is when you will do it. If you think you'll be too tired after work, do it in the morning. Or the other way around. Or during your lunch break.
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    The best time is the time that you can get it done. When I started we tried working out after work but found with 2 kids we were way more likely to skip it so we moved to mornings. We get our workouts in now before the kids are up and find its a great way to start our day.
  • Zia209
    Zia209 Posts: 17 Member
    I am finding it very hard to find a good time. I am here for suggestions as well :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Zia209 wrote: »
    I am finding it very hard to find a good time. I am here for suggestions as well :)

    Go during the time of day you can manage to fit it? That's all there really is to it.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Best time is when you'll do it. My booty isn't getting out of bed any earlier - I workout at night.
  • Runningman_78
    Runningman_78 Posts: 34 Member
    Whenever you can fit it in is the best time. For me, I have more spare time before 7am so thats when I usually do things. Not ideal all the time but I work with what time I have.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    The right time is when you can get it done! It's a personal choice. I like to exercise straight after work. I can exercise in the morning but I seem to do better after a full day of eating and moving around.
  • viafire
    viafire Posts: 7 Member
    Morning is better. It boosts your metabolism for all day, better if you do it while fasting. Doing it right before you go to bed boosts your metabolism while you sleep, but not as good results as doing it in the morning. If you want to get crazy, 30 min in am and pm at < 80% max heart rate
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    viafire wrote: »
    Morning is better. It boosts your metabolism for all day, better if you do it while fasting. Doing it right before you go to bed boosts your metabolism while you sleep, but not as good results as doing it in the morning. If you want to get crazy, 30 min in am and pm at < 80% max heart rate

    Totally not true for everyone. I've always worked out just before going to bed and my metabolism couldn't be better. ;)

    The best time to work out IMHO is when you have time to do it.....
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 609 Member
    A time that you're going to be consistent with. Try both for a week and go from there.
  • sugarkiss6
    sugarkiss6 Posts: 13 Member
    A time that you're going to be consistent with. Try both for a week and go from there.

  • sugarkiss6
    sugarkiss6 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks guys it's really a debated topic . I have people who are super fit that say morning because it keeps you alert and happy and I have my fit friends saying night because when you sleep afterwards you let your body rest .
  • sugarkiss6
    sugarkiss6 Posts: 13 Member
    sugarkiss6 wrote: »
    A time that you're going to be consistent with. Try both for a week and go from there.

    Thanks ScubaSteve that's what I'm going to Do .
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    sugarkiss6 wrote: »
    Thanks guys it's really a debated topic . I have people who are super fit that say morning because it keeps you alert and happy and I have my fit friends saying night because when you sleep afterwards you let your body rest .

    Those debates are a matter of personal preference and will vary between person. Some people have difficulty sleeping at night after a workout, others find they sleep better.
    I do believe there are studies to suggest there may be a *slight* advantage to working out in the morning but not enough to make it worth it, especially if your schedule/preference is better suited towards an evening workout.

    Like others have said, the time you will be most consistent is the best option.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    As stated above, the best time is the time you'll do it. I'm busy with work and kids so I workout on my lunch break, then it's out of the way the rest of the day and I can still get some sleep without waking up too early. Whatever fits your schedule best is the way to go.
  • sugarkiss6
    sugarkiss6 Posts: 13 Member
    cdahl383 wrote: »
    As stated above, the best time is the time you'll do it. I'm busy with work and kids so I workout on my lunch break, then it's out of the way the rest of the day and I can still get some sleep without waking up too early. Whatever fits your schedule best is the way to go.

    My days are really busy too, thanks for the advice
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Whenever I can fit it in. Usually during the week I make it to the gym around 8pm. On Saturdays, I go first thing in the morning. Sundays, I go to a yoga class at 3pm.
  • Lonnad1
    Lonnad1 Posts: 47 Member
    viafire wrote: »
    Morning is better. It boosts your metabolism for all day, better if you do it while fasting. Doing it right before you go to bed boosts your metabolism while you sleep, but not as good results as doing it in the morning. If you want to get crazy, 30 min in am and pm at < 80% max heart rate

    Just wondering if you eat breakfast before or after your workout? I will probably have to switch to morning workouts and was wondering about when to eat breakfast.
  • jclist1
    jclist1 Posts: 87 Member
    As said by a few people, the best time is when you will do it. For me, I know that if I do not get my workout in sometime in the morning, then it probably will not happen. Find what's best for you, and do that. It's that simple.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    Whatever time you're most likely to consistently do it.