KatFord81 Member


  • Why are you using coffee as a pre-work out? For the boost? You'd want it about a bit before your work out, like 35-45 mins before to give you a boost of energy, but you're right going anything but black can add unwanted sugars and fats, so you want to avoid that. Also keep in mine caffeine is a diuretic so you'll need more…
    in Coffee Comment by KatFord81 July 2015
  • On Monday I did JM bodyshred level one. My everything hurt. I took yesterday off and just did a 30 min walk. Today I decided to try JR 3DS it was easier but I'm finding my time for recovery after a.work out Is 1-2 days. Like my legs still ache from Monday's work out and a 15km bike ride and 2.5 hours in the pool (60 laps…
  • Have a Samsung gear 2 neo I got as a gift and it seems to work well. Does my heart rate and steps, doesn't seem.to log arm.movements. I can walk with my hands in my pockets and it knows the steps. I mean occasionally it might, but I've waived it and got no change in steps. I also like I can track activity, take a phone…