am35 Member


  • Thanks this is very helpful! I did a half a few weeks ago and paced around 4 hours marathon time so I'll stick with that goal
    in Goal Setting Comment by am35 August 2017
  • This time I'm consistent but the previous training sessions I wasn't. I'm training with a running group and am doing 2 days running workouts (this week has been speed focused), 1 long run and 2 days a week cross training. This will be my first marathon since the running break (this break wasn't completely without running,…
    in Goal Setting Comment by am35 August 2017
  • I'm training for a fall marathon. I'm using a nutrition coach to help me with my daily macros which have me anywhere from 1560-2000 depending on my mileage
  • I've been doing OTF for 2 years and love it! I did a similar workout at my old gym in a bootcamp class but found OTF to be much cheaper and more fun. I go 5-6 days a week and burn 400-600 a workout
  • I wasn't trying to track the after burn calories. I was just more curious if it was actually true
  • thanks everyone. I was really hesitant to believe it was true but figured I'd ask to see if there were any truth/science behind it
  • I did the 7DSD a few months ago and loved it! I'm doing the 5DSD this week and then hoping onto the nutrition plan after